Attendance Report

Dear Parents and Carers,
As you know, attendance has been a huge focus here at Melton West Primary School this year. Daily attendance provides your child with the opportunity to learn and grow in a positive and collaborative environment. An incentive to assist with improving the attendance rate has been introducing the ‘Attendance Pizza Party’. At the start of the year students were told about this incentive and were excited to encourage their peers to come to school every day, so they could have a chance at being a part of this celebration.
At each assembly, the classes from each cohort who had the best attendance that week would be announced and the class with the best attendance in the school would be acknowledged with the attendance trophy and a class attendance certificate. At the start of this term the classes with the overall highest attendance from each cohort were able to participate in the ‘Attendance Pizza Party’ celebration.
The students and their teachers thoroughly enjoyed being acknowledged and celebrated for their efforts at improving their attendance in Term 2 and many hope to have the opportunity to win again in the coming Terms. We are very proud of all of their efforts!
Aira Agarano
Engagement and Attendance Officer