Assistant Principal - Learning and Wellbeing - Happening Events
Mr Damian Roff
Assistant Principal - Learning and Wellbeing - Happening Events
Mr Damian Roff
Subject Choices
We have barely finished Semester 1 in 2022, but such are the demands of schools, we and indeed most secondary schools have started the process for planning for 2023. One of the first steps in developing a curriculum is the subject selection process for 2023. Year 10 students going into Year 11 in 2023 are now in the middle of thinking about their choices. Keep them in your prayers as they have much to consider. Unlike students in 7 to 10 nearly all the subjects that will make up their pattern of study require some element of choice including the pathway they wish to take, the subjects they will study and the various courses within these subjects. Students do not go into this process unprepared. Leaders of Learning and teachers have been talking to groups of students and individuals about their goals and about the content and commitment required for each of the courses offered.
Last Wednesday, it was great to see so many parents and students attend in person and on Zoom, the 10 into 11 subject selection evening at the College. It was again an opportunity to ask questions and find out about the various HSC pathways that are offered at O'Connor. Students are now having a voice in what courses will run in 2023. They are completing their choices survey form which is due at the time of writing. This form enables the College to gather information about which courses are viable, staffing requirement, and which students will need assistance accessing courses that may not be on offer at O'Connor. While all this is going on we are also looking at Year 9 and Year 10 electives for 2023. Students will be given information regarding this process soon.
Student Led Conferences
No doubt Mrs Bell has commented on this elsewhere in the Newsletter, but would also like to add a note about Student Led Conferences. As a veteran of education processes and of O'Connor, I would like to commend the practice of student led conferences that take place at our College. O'Connor has has various forms of parent/ teacher evenings over the the years but the current process delivers.
PREPARING FOR SUCCESS: Students getting ready for their conferences in PAC Period this week.
For the uninitiated Student led Conferences involve a teacher, parents and most importantly the student who hosts the conference. The conference takes the form of the student making the relevant introductions, previewing what will take place in the conference, discussing various work samples, honestly reflecting on challenges and setting goals for their learning. It is an empowering process that models ways learning can be talked about at home, how honest reflection about progress can be done and how success can be celebrated in an intrinsically motivating way. Students are not bystanders in this process and an understanding of their responsibility toward learning is instilled. At these conferences and indeed at other times of the year parents may still wish to see individual subject teachers. Rest assured this can be set up at any time.
Lasallian Youth Gathering
Feedback from the recent Lasallian Youth Gathering in Sydney did our 16 student delegates and the 3 teachers attending much honour. Organisers commented O'Connor not only provided the most delegates, but they were inclusive, welcoming and leaders in the participation of the activities that were on offer. Feedback from students who attended was that it was one of the most rewarding spiritual experiences they had ever had. The College cannot thank enough the teachers who gave up a sizable proportion of their holidays to supervise and attend. Mr Powers, Mr McCann and Mrs Bell (who saved the pilgrimage by stepping into the role at the 11th hour) were also noted by organisers as setting a great example to not only students but other supervising teachers from other schools.
Mr Damian Roff
Assistant Principal - Learning and Wellbeing
Date | Event and Time |
2-4 August 2022 | Stage 4 Conferencing - 4-6 pm |
4 August 2022 | ANU Talk - Library Learning Centre 2-3 pm |
7 August 2022 (TBC) | Family Mass 5.30 pm St Mary and Joseph's Cathedral |
9-11 August 2022 | Stage 5 Conferencing - 4 - 6 pm |
10 August 2022 | Year 9 Mass 9.10 am |
15 August 2022 | HSC Trails Commence |
11 September 2022 (TBC) | Family Mass 5.30 pm St Mary and Joseph's Cathedral |
1 September 2022 | Step Day |
Week of 19 September 2022 (TBC) | Year 12 Final Mass - 6-8 pm |
23 September 2022 | Year 12 Graduation Assembly |