Giulia Imbrogno

A warm welcome to all our new OSHC families and welcome back to all our existing families.


St Brigid’s Out of School Care is available to families and students prior to teachers being on duty in the morning and after school when teachers have finished their duty. Teachers are on duty in the morning from 8.30 – 8.45 am and 3.00 – 3.20 pm in the afternoon. 

Families are reminded that students who arrive early to school before teachers are on duty at 8.30 am will be sent to OSHC which will incur a $14 fee to parents/caregivers.  Any students who are not picked up by 3.20pm will be sent to OSHC which will incur an $21 fee to parents/caregivers. 


Booking & Cancellations 

As our numbers are increasing for After School Care and requiring a second educator, it is vital that your child be booked into OSHC in advance.

Parents/caregivers are reminded the Cancellation Procedure if you have a regular booking. 


Cancellation Procedure 

To ensure the safety of all children, the program needs to be advised of all cancellations.  Notification of the cancellation must be received from the parent/caregiver either in writing (SMS Director 0448830652) or verbally, not by the child/children. 


If your child has a regular booking and will not be attending the program, the service must be notified as soon as possible.  The service has a duty of care to all children attending and if your child/children do not attend, every effort is made to contact the parents/caregivers and emergency persons to find the location of the child/children. 


Cancellations of bookings will incur the full fee, unless in the case of OSHC being notified of the child or the child’s sibling being unwell or unforeseen circumstance, and at the discretion of the Director. 


Bookings for After School Care need to be cancelled by 6.00pm the night before.  Cancellations made after this will incur the normal session charge as an approved absence.  Each child is entitled to 42 approved absences per financial year. 



Parents are reminded the children need a hat for OSHC if the UV is 3 or above. Children can leave a spare wide bream hat at OSHC – no caps. Sunscreen is available in OSHC – please supply you own sunscreen if your child cannot use sunscreen supplied.  


Church Carpark

A reminder to all families when picking up and dropping off students at OSHC – you are not allowed to park in front of Father Selva’s roller doors as this is a safety issue in case there is an emergency.  Drivers are reminded this is not an area you can park or leave cars unattended.  Parking areas are clearly marked, and parking is only to occur in designated, marked car parking bays.  All vehicles must observe the speed limit in the Church/School carpark and no reverse parking is allowed in designated areas.


                                                                   OUR WEEK AT OSHC

If there is any way, I can assist please don’t hesitate to discuss it with me. 

Email: oshcdirector@stb.catholic.edu.au 

OSHC mobile number: 0448 830652 


Yours in Love, Peace and Learning


Giulia Imbrogno

OSHC Director