From the APRIM

Paula Burns

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to Nina and Nikita who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday 30th July.

We wish God’s blessings upon them and their families as they take this important step in their ongoing Catholic journey.


St. Mary of the Cross MacKillop

We will celebrate the feast of St. Mary of the Cross MacKillop on Monday 8th August. As an Australian, born of Scottish migrants, and founder of the sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart, St Mary MacKillop is very close to our hearts. At St. Brigid’s School, we will be honouring this special day by celebrating a whole school liturgy on Monday 8th August in St. Brigid’s Church.

Feast of the Assumption of Mary

We celebrate the Feast of the Assumption (of the Blessed Virgin Mary) on the 15th of August each year. This day marks the holy day Mary, the mother of Jesus, was assumed, body and soul, into heaven at the end of her life. At St. Brigid’s School, we will be honouring this special day by celebrating a whole school liturgy in St. Brigid’s Church.



At St. Brigid’s School, as a Catholic community, we are welcoming and inclusive of all Religious and cultural beliefs. This month we acknowledge our students and families of the Islamic Faith who are observing Muharram at the moment. 


2022 Adelaide Diocesan Assembly - FEEDBACK

Following on from reflections on the Recommendations of the 2021 Diocesan Assembly

The Diocese is now gathering feedback for the Archbishop in the lead-up to the 2022 Adelaide Diocesan Assembly (21 - 22 October). 

Can you please 

  1. Look at the recommendations below and discern the three priorities you believe are of the utmost importance to the Archdiocese of Adelaide.
  2. Look at the recommendations below and discern the three priorities you believe are of the utmost importance to our school community of St. Brigid’s.
  3. Email your thoughts, opinions etc. to (If you wish more information please don’t hesitate to email or call Paula Burns)

A Church that listens and responds to the Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor

Inspired by our rich tradition in Catholic Social Teaching, and including Pope Francis’ writings, each of us has a responsibility to care for Creation and one another. Our homes, schools, a parishes and diocesan agencies must commit to action, education, and transformation in the areas of ecological justice, protection of the most vulnerable, peace and reconciliation with First Nations people, and elimination of all injustice. We cannot do this alone, we must collaborate with other communities of faith and in the civic arena.

Faith Formation and Spiritual Development

Providing a diversity of accessible, high quality faith formation and spiritual development opportunities for all ages is a priority. While the faith education and formation of children is desired, there is a particular need for adult formation. Multi-modal resources and professional support must be provided for individuals, families, schools, parishes, and communities. There must be greater collaboration across parishes and schools in developing, sharing and implementing formation and sacramental programs. Ongoing formation and training of leaders, staff and clergy is vital.

Inclusion and Healing

We must recognise Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander peoples by strengthening and expanding good practices and pastoral supports. Develop inclusive reconciliation processes that begin with acknowledgement of the harm and lack of inclusion on behalf of the church and work toward healing. We must commit to being a church of inclusivity, hospitality and welcome to all. We must also continue listening and being in dialogue with others, especially those who have been marginalised by the church and society.

Leadership and Leadership Formation

With Jesus as our model, there must be continued discernment, development and implementation of new models of leadership for clergy and laity, particularly women and young people, to minister and govern collaboratively, synodally in the Church today. Greater resources are needed to support the recruitment, training and ongoing formation and wellbeing of ordained and lay leaders - professional and volunteer. Stronger collaboration between leaders of parishes, schools, agencies and the diocese.

Outreach and accompaniment of children, families & young people

Accompaniment of children, families and young people means building personal relationships with individuals and developing and understanding of their needs and life situations. We must respond to the needs of children, families and young people by providing new, relevant, and accessible ways for them to be in community, be formed in their faith, and participate in the life, faith and mission of the church.

Parish Life & Liturgy

Parishes are central to the expression of the Christian life. To enhance parish life, we must develop strategies, resources and formation for parishes and communities to be places of hospitality, welcome, inclusion and belonging and to become outward focused and engaged in mission. Greater collaboration and communication between schools and parishes. Diverse liturgical and eucharistic celebrations that reflect the realities of the people in the communities, including music, language, homilies, and ministries and leadership.


These discerned priorities for the future direction of our Archdiocese will have a real impact. They will both reflect and direct the spirit of the community. 

We thank you so so much, in anticipation.




Yours in Love, Peace and Learning


Paula Burns

Assistant Principal, Religious Identity & Mission