Fern House

My name is Hussain and I am in Fern house.
It has been a quick start to the term and it has gone by very quickly. I look very much forward to the end of this term. This term the SRC have been planning to get everyone connected because of the pandemic last year and the year before. We are planning to do study sessions and Friday lunchtime clubs. The lunch time clubs are for everyone in the house where they get to play games and enjoy their time. We were also planning to do study sessions for the students who missed class this term and need to catch up. On Friday 9th of September we are planning to do a UNO competition and everyone in the Fern house is welcome and the winner receives a box of Favorites.For our charity we collect money through the movie sessions held in F1 and F2, Wednesday Week A where students come and donate one or two dollar gold coin donations to watch movies. The money will then go to UNICEF for the children across the world that don’t get fair education systems, such as food, water, and health care.