Eucalyptus House

Hello, I am Kebek and I am the new SRC rep in Eucalyptus Year 9.
As I am new to the role of SRC, in my first meeting with all the SRC’s we discussed the upcoming culture week and spreading the word for wear it purple day. Purple day was on the 26th of August, to share and support the LGBTQIA+ community so they feel welcome and safe at the school. Students were encouraged to wear purple on the day and give a gold coin donation, students who didn’t wear purple were still able to donate a gold coin. Some new things we have been doing around the house this term is starting lunchtime Friday, movies to help engage the house and capture house spirit. Eucalyptus green chronicle posts are being displayed for students who have achieved by completing great work and to those who have showed improvement and who are living the community commitment expectations. The library ran a poem competition where students can write poems about whatever topic they desire. Gawher G. and Steven M. poems were commended and Ronan M. was highly commended; all three poems are displayed in the house, and anyone is welcome to come and read them. Some upcoming events to look forward to, is the Eucalyptus house spelling bee with the aim of raising money for charity and culture week. Cultural week is a week where the school recognises and acknowledges the different cultures in the school, this will run on the last week of term and on the Thursday, students have a chance to dress up in their cultural clothes.
Kebek & Ruth – Eucalyptus 9