Learning and Teaching

Through the eyes of our World

We are excited to have immersed our children into our concepts of Progress, Reactions, and Cause & Effect through our third project ‘Through the eyes of our World’.  Our school has been filled with curiosities, wonder, and awe as we explore the science that is all around us. 


Ask your children: What is a Scientist?  What does a Scientist look like?  Can you draw a Scientist?  


As you are out with your children, whether it be a walk or trip to the supermarket, ask your children where they can see science around them.  

Book Week + Grandparents Day

Each year since 1945 the CBCA has brought children and books together across Australia through CBCA Book Week. During this time schools and public libraries spend one glorious week celebrating books and Australian children's authors and illustrators.


The theme “Dreaming with open eyes” is about stepping into your own story, dreaming with open eyes…listening to Country as the first storyteller…learning from friends who help you on your way.


This year, we have decided to celebrate Grandparents Day in Book week on Monday 22nd August 9am - 9.30am.  


More details about our Book Week and Grandparents day will be out in our next school newsletter and on our Social Media channels!

Story Box Online

We are delighted to let you know about an education resource that is available to your child at home as part of our school subscription – ​Story Box Library​.


Reading aloud to children, in particular by diverse and engaging storytellers, greatly improves language and literacy skills, especially in the early years of a child’s development. 


We are committed to supporting and engaging the practice of storytelling. It is intended for use as a complementary form of delivering the precious experience of being read aloud to, in order to improve children’s lives. 


Connecting children with literature through the complementary medium of film, providing a vibrant, interactive experience via a diverse range of storytellers sharing the best of our local children’s picture books.


To access Story Box Library at home:

1) Visit​www.storyboxlibrary.com.au

2) Choose Log In from the top right corner of the screen

3) Log in using the username (oneheart2022) and password (oneheart2022)

4) Enjoy the library of stories on any device with internet connection