Message from Gemma

St Stephen's & St Gabriel's Catholic Primary School's Principal

Dear Families and friends,


I hope this newsletter finds you all well. It seems that we have just returned and we are already nearly 3 weeks into the term.


As our letter stated - we will welcome Laura Merrick as our Co Deputy Principal alongside Jarryd Bradford. Their individual roles will become clearer in the coming months and we will be sure to communicate this with you all.  


We are busily preparing for our Specialist Gala night - with our Art auction on Thursday 18th August at 5.30pm in St Gabriel's hall. All children are excited to have art pieces ready and we will be showcasing some of our musical talents. This will also be our opportunity to farewell Clare as a school community. We will send a RSVP shortly to ensure we have tables and chairs set. 


Our children will be farewelling Clare through a school liturgy on Thursday 5th August in our new 3-6 Hub ‘laneway’, we had hoped to have parents attend however with covid back on the rise, we are minimizing all visitors as much as possible. 


We have been fortunate to welcome Sally Tyrell as our schools counsellor, at this stage Sally will work with individual children and groups of children that have been identified through our NCCD process. Please see below for greater information:


My Name is Sally Tyrrell. I am a registered Mental Health Social Worker and Sensorimotor Art Therapist  who will begin providing counselling, art therapy and therapeutic services to St Gabriel’s and St Stephen’s. I will not be employed by the school, however my services will be provided through my own business Creative Healing Counselling and art therapy.

To find out more about me please check my website. 

Please contact Brooke Madden or Belinda Hynes for further information. 


We are excited for the changes and employment of key experts in areas beyond our expertise. We continually thank our families for their support in making sure these positions are successful. 


We have many events arising such as Science day (Last week), Prep 100 days, Art auction etc - please keep checking important dates as we are adding dates as soon as external agencies confirm.