Classroom News

Prep and Year 1
Prep and One Assembly
Last Thursday, we had a lot of fun presenting at the Year Prep/One Assembly.
Erin taught us how to sign some of the colours in our Auslan sessions so we decided to sing and sign a song called Rainbow for the opening prayer. It was great to see other classes joining in too!
We also read some statements from our Mum’s and Dad’s explaining what they did and liked at school back in the past - or the ‘Olden Days’! Then we showed some items from our Olden Days Museum, and how different they are to the same items we use in the present.
Ann, Lauren, Amanda and Guilia are very proud of our improving presenting skills!
Year 2/3/4
Life In The Past - Show and Tell
Nirav: I enjoyed guessing what the olden day items were.
Fortunato: I thought it was really exciting when we learnt more about the past today. We looked at original BOOM boxes and also some baby dolls. I thought that maybe the people in the olden days had a more adventurous life because they had water bottles made of wood and when they went out farming or they were working the land, they had to make sure that they saved the water because it had to last for the whole day.
Stephanie: I was curious about the olden day things. I wondered how they told the time.
Yianna: I like experiencing the olden days and all the olden day things. I was very curious at the start of our Inquiry about olden days. It turned out to be lots of fun to learn. Lots of the things in the middle room, people still have in their homes and some of the things are still working.
Harper: It was really cool to see all the olden day things like the dolls, the old sewing machine, the bean peeler and the old washing board.
Jacob: I loved experiencing the olden days and how things were different and how they were made and how they looked different from the things of today. I was also very excited to see all of the olden days things like dolls, clocks, DVD players and the candelabra.
Kushi: I enjoyed learning about the radio cassette player.
Isabella: I was curious and excited to find out what the items in the middle space of our rooms were. It was fun to find out what they were and how they worked.
Katalina: I was really shocked by what a water bottle looked like in the olden days.
Veer: When I saw the wooden scrubbing board that they used to wash clothes on during the olden days, I remembered how some people in India still use it today to wash their clothes. This is because not many people in India have washing machines.
Katelin: In the olden days, the toys and other objects were tougher and harder. Unlike nowadays, where things are not as tough but built better.
Roman: I was really excited and amazed at how back in the day people used these things to live.
Shamus: I enjoyed learning about the Walkman cassette player.
Aleisha: I thought it was so cool to be seeing things from the olden days, eye-to-eye, that aren't really around today.
Natalie: I remembered seeing the washing board in a cartoon that I used to watch.
Year 4/5/6
Over the last few weeks, students have been learning about different historical events and migration and how these events have shaped Australia into what it is today. Last week the students were given the opportunity to choose an event or their own migration story to explore further and to come up with questions to enable them to learn more.
Yesterday the students in Year 4/5 and Year 5/6 were are to share with each other what their questions were and to work together to determine the criteria for how they will be successful.
Some of the students questions:
Alex: First Fleet - Who started the trouble, the Indigenous People or the British? Why did the British people hate the Indigenous People?
Enock: My family Immigration story - I want to know how my family lived without many resources? What is Independence Day about?
Izaac: Learn more about the Aboriginal People - How did they make and what tools did they use to make a possum hollow? How did the Aboriginal people survive?
Caitlin: My family story: What year did they come? Why did family members get left behind? Did people die getting to Australia?
Yash: White Australia Policy - Why did the White Australia Policy start? Were all the Asian people immigrants affected by the White Australia Policy? What was the impact of this policy on Australia?
Hansvi: World War I - What countries were involved in WW1? Who were the first people to start the war? Why did WW1 start?
Brian: My family: The East Timor War - Who started the East Timor War? Did my dad come to Australia because of the East Timor War?