Annual Report 2022

This report celebrates and expresses my deepest gratitude for the exceptional work and commitment of our incredible school community. Throughout the year, we have witnessed remarkable achievements, heartfelt contributions, and unwavering dedication that have shaped our school into a thriving hub of learning and growth.


At Pilgrim School, we firmly believe in our core values of belong, explore, flourish, and serve. These values provide a framework for guiding principles, shaping our interactions, decisions, and collective efforts in creating an inclusive and supportive environment for all. These values were embodied and celebrated by our community throughout 2022.


Creating a sense of belonging is the foundation of our school community. This year, we saw students, parents and staff coming together, embracing diversity, and fostering an atmosphere of acceptance. Our numerous events and initiatives focused on inclusivity and belonging, from welcoming new students and their families to launching our Reconciliation Action Plan, to buddy classes in an effort to assist every member of our community to feel valued and supported.


Curiosity and a thirst for knowledge drive our students to explore the world around them. In 2022, our students engaged in a wide range of academic and extracurricular activities that encouraged intellectual growth and discovery. From extension activities and competitions to art exhibitions, from athletic competitions to music performances, our students pursued their interests and passions igniting a lifelong love for learning.


We believe in nurturing the holistic development of our students in a distinctly Christian community understanding that we are beautifully and uniquely created and loved unconditionally by God. We aspire to see all people flourishing in all aspects of life. Our dedicated team continues to provide a safe and stimulating learning environment that allows our students to thrive academically, emotionally, physically, spiritually and socially. Through personalised support, innovative teaching methods, and a focus on individual strengths, we witnessed our students develop in resilience and confidence. We also flourish corporately through our wellbeing days, fun activity days, assemblies, and other whole school activities.


Service to others lies at the heart of our school community. Throughout 2022, our students, parents, teachers, and staff actively engaged in acts of kindness and service, both within the school and the broader community. From charity fundraising to assisting and supporting others in need, our community consistently demonstrated compassion and empathy, making a positive impact.


I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to our extraordinary students for their enthusiasm, resilience, and commitment to their education. Your hard work and achievements are a testament to your dedication and thirst for knowledge.


To our devoted families, thank you for entrusting us with the education and wellbeing of your children. Your unwavering support and active involvement in our school community, as we have emerged form covid, have continued to strengthen partnerships between home and school.


To our exceptional staff team and the Pilgrim School Board, thank you for your unwavering passion, expertise, and tireless efforts. Your dedication to providing a quality education and creating a nurturing environment for our students is consistently above and beyond. 


As we move into a new year, I am excited to see how we can continue to embrace and embed our school values within our school, the Campus, the local community and beyond.  We continue to integrate, in our practice and conduct, being a Christ centred community that operates in love, compassion and actively responds to the needs of our children, families and staff team. 


Thank you once again for an outstanding year. I am truly proud to be part of this remarkable community.


In His service,

Andrew Edmondson
