What's Happening at CHPS

Sports News

Walk To School Safely Day

When:  Friday 19th May

We would like to encourage families to participate in this event as it promotes better health, road safety, public transport and the environment. It also decreases traffic congestion and motor vehicle pollution. 

The annual campaign encourages all students, parents and carers to walk safely and regularly to school, to establish good habits for leading healthy and active lives.

School Sport Vitoria (SSV) Trials

We would like to congratulate Pippa from SKF and Tom from SLD who have successfully progressed through to the next stage of Netball and Football in the SSV pathway.  We wish them all the best for their up and coming trial later in May. 

Laura Yorke & Rob Lewis  -  PE/Sport

Library News



The Book fair is just about over! If you haven’t been in yet you have one more chance. The Book fair will be open in the library tomorrow (Friday) from 8.30 until 9.30. After this time the books will all be packed up and you will have missed your last opportunity. 


The books that needed to be ordered earlier in the week have been emailed to the supplier and if they had them in stock they will be delivered to the school today. We will attempt to deliver these to students’ classrooms this week. Titles that the company did not have in stock will take a little longer. If you made an online order please bring a copy of your order to the Book Fair to collect your books. If there are any problems with supply, we will let everyone know through the newsletter in coming weeks or email those affected.


A huge thank you to all those parents and staff who helped out during the Book Fair. Thank you all for your support and happy reading!


Jess Ward and Sue Offer in the Library

Premier's Reading Challenge

The 2023 Premier's Reading Challenge is currently underway, all students have received their login details and we are hoping that everyone is joining in the reading fun.

Until September 8th, students can record the books they've read:

Preps - Y2 need to read 30 books (this includes books read to them for younger readers)

Years 3 - 6 need to read 15 books

All students who complete the Challenge will receive a certificate!

If you have any questions, please see your classroom teacher.

Happy reading!

JSC Rainbow Mural- It's Here!

Last year on Thursday December 8th, the whole school took part in the Junior School Councillors yearly project. The 2022 project  was a rainbow mural created out of every students hand print. The different colours represent each year level, Prep being purple up to the Years 6s being red. 


The rainbow has a big message and significance. It represents how we all came together during the Covid19 pandemic. This rainbow will be something we can look back on and remember the time when the world changed. It will remind us of the enormous resilience we built during a challenging time. We got through it together as a community at CHPS and it will be a time we'll never forget. 


Well… The mural is finally up and ready for our CHPS community to enjoy. You will find this display hanging on the wall on the Mr Brock’s class, in the Junior School area. We hope everyone can go check it out and enjoy the bright, wonderful colours it shows off. 


To all the JSC students from 2022, well done for all your hard work on this project.

From Mrs Bau

From Sophie in the Sick Bay

COVID-19, along with a range of other bugs/ viruses, are quite active in our school. Please be aware and keep students’ home when they are unwell. Remember to enter a reason for absence on Compass so that it is not recorded as "unexplained". 

Smile Squad at CHPS

The Smile Squad team from EACH have been at our school this week and will continue to perform free dental checks and treatment over the coming few weeks.

Smile Squad is the Victorian Government free school dental program.

This means all students can get a free dental check-up, preventive services, and treatment at school.

How to access free dental care

We need your consent before we can provide services. Consent is usually provided by a parent or guardian.

Sign up to Smile Squad at:  https://bit.ly/smilesquadvic

OR use the below QR code:

Please complete and submit the consent form, this will be sent directly to EACH.