School Council News

From Sian...


  • In the spirit of National Volunteer Week, I would like to acknowledge and thank all volunteers at CHPS. With a special mention going to Danielle Bell (CHAPS President) and all current and past CHAPS members; our current and past School Council members, and to all parent helpers in the classroom/on sports days/with productions/on excursions and camps and with anything else school related. 
  • You are the change makers within our community and your contributions have a considerably positive impact on the student’s education and learning environment at CHPS. his week the school has been open for families to immerse themselves in the life of the school. It has been wonderful to see so many families in classrooms, the Library for Book Fair, specialist subject areas and the yard.


School Council Meeting Report – May 2023

  • Noah and Sapphire shared some of the great work to date and the ongoing plans within the JSC. This included the successful fundraiser from last term’s dress up day where over $1000 was raised from student donations for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal; plans for kindergarten visits by JSC members and suggested upgrades to the soccer oval. They were both very passionate about the school and their involvement in JSC.  
  • Education week – this has been a highlight for students and families, and we thanked the staff for putting together an engaging program to celebrate this annual event.  This year’s theme is ‘Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate’, which celebrates physical activity, hands-on learning and student voice in education and CHPS staff have implemented this incredibly well. Thanks also to Sue and Jess in the library for running the book fair and providing families the opportunity to purchase some new books to read at home. As a visitor to some of the open classes this week, I have observed many happy, active learners in action (and many happy, active educators also 😊).  
  • The 2023 confirmed budget was passed after thorough review by the Finance committee, thank you Angela and Christian for preparing and providing such clear and detailed financial reports on an ongoing basis. 
  • Aligning with the review cycle, the updated Homework and Attendance policies have been reviewed and endorsed by School Council. Thanks to Jordan and the Education committee for this completing this work. Parents will be able to view these updated policies on the school website in due course. 

NEXT MEETING - Wed June 14th at 7:30pm

For more information:

Sian Jamison – School Council President