A Message from Parents & Friends

Hi everyone,
We hope that you’re all managing to stay well whilst navigating the start of winter and sick season - so many bugs going around! But that isn’t stopping Parents & Friends from organising lots of fun stuff for our school community to enjoy. Thank you to Michelle and Mel for organising our Subway lunch last week and to all those who helped distribute it.
We also wanted to take this opportunity to flag that there has been a date change to the family portrait fundraiser in October. This is now Saturday 7th October. Please make sure you have updated your family calendars if you’re planning on booking a session.
Here’s an update for you from us:
Friday treats
This Friday we shall be selling giant snakes at $1.50 and next week we shall be selling flavoured milk - strawberry or chocolate for $1.50 each. These will be the last treats we sell for Term two.
Term three roster to sell Friday treats is open for volunteers - please use this link to sign up:
School Disco - Thursday 22nd June
It’s only a couple more weeks until our school disco. By now you will have received the details of the event and how to book your child a spot via Compass. It’s going to be a glow fest that’s for sure and we know the students are going to love it! If you haven’t done so, please ensure you purchase a ticket for your child/ children before Thursday 15th June - no further tickets can be sold after this date.
In order for this event to happen, we really require parental support. Please consider helping out by signing up here:
Parents & Friends meetings
All our meetings can be found in the Facebook group - AGPS Parents & Friends Events - the link is:
Our next meeting will be held online on Wednesday 21st June at 7.30pm. Please come along and join in the discussion.
Bunnings BBQ - Saturday 5th August
Please make sure you have this on your calendars and come down and support us or even better, volunteer to serve or cook at the BBQ.
Our volunteer roster can be found here:
Picture Plates - August
One of our school community members is working closely with an organisation to organise this fundraiser (which will be external to the school). We will ensure that details are sent home in July once we return in Term 3.
Father’s/ Special Person’s Day & Stall
We are currently starting the process of planning this event and will commence discussions around stall items at our next meeting.
Please save the date of Friday 1st September for the event.
Thank you for your continued support.
Parents & Friends Committee