Principal's Update 

Dear Parents and Carers,


Last Sunday we celebrated the feast of the Holy Trinity, a particularly important and relevant day in our parish. Trinity Sunday is a Christian feast dedicated to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, the essence of God expressing itself in three persons:

 God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the spirit of God. 


God for us, we call You Father


God alongside us, we call You Jesus


God within us, we call You Holy Spirit.



 Learning Conversations 

A reminder to all families to book their times for Learning Conversations being held on the 20th and 21st June in the school library. Bookings can be made on PAM. If you require assistance, please make contact with the school office. We suggest that you get in early to book a time that is convenient for you. It is an expectation that all families will attend the Learning Conversations, as they are a major part of the holistic approach that St. Mary’s has towards the reporting process. Please note, that there has been a certain amount of time allocated for the Learning Conversations and therefore only enough time slots in individual classes for each family to attend. We ask, therefore, that when booking a time, you book only one time slot per family for each teacher. 


Prep Enrolments for 2024

I would like to have enrolments for next year finalised by the middle of next term if possible. Therefore, if you have any extended family or friends intending on enrolling their child next year, it would be greatly appreciated if you could pass this information on to them, so they can arrange for a meeting and a tour of the school. I have conducted quite a few tours over the past month and enrolment forms are starting to be submitted. I request all existing families that have a child starting in Prep next year, submit their enrolment form as soon as possible.


Biggest Morning Tea / Classroom Visits

Last Thursday our Biggest Morning Tea was held in the MPR. The morning was well attended by parents and grandparents and it was great to see them take the time to visit the children’s classrooms to see the wonderful work they have been producing throughout the year. The total amount raised for the morning was $360 for the Cancer Council. The children were very proud of their achievements. Well done to our Grade 6 Social Justice team and to Maegen and Judy for organising the event. 


Congratulations to Ella


This year the Colac Otway Shire held a colouring in competition for Year 3/4 students for Reconciliation Week.

The designs were created by local First Nations Artist Gerard Black.  Gerard came to St Mary's Primary School and spoke about his designs and First Nations culture in the lead up to Reconciliation Week.


Year 4 student, Ella Masangcay, came 2nd in the colouring-in competition.  Ella's design has been made into giant stickers being displayed around the town and a flag proudly flying in Murray Street.


Ella was invited to the Colac Otway Shire Reconciliation Week Afternoon Tea which began with a smoking ceremony.  Ella met the other place-getters, local Gulidjan woman Ebony Hickey, Designer Gerard Black and Mayor Chris Potter.


All entries are on display at COPACC for the next two weeks.

Great work Ella!




Gates Locked at 9.00am


A reminder to all families that for the safety of our children the gates that they enter through in the mornings are locked at 9.00am after the children have gone into their classrooms. It is important that if you are running late, you bring your children in through the front office.


Enjoy the rest of your week.

Michael Mahoney (Principal)​​​​​​​