Sport @ BRPS

Year 5/6 Winter Interschool Sport
This term the students in Year's 5 and 6 have participated in the Winter Interschool Sport Competition. Each Friday we have competed in Soccer, Aussie Rules, Handball, Netball, Hockey and Softball.
The students have performed admirably each week, often in very cold and wet conditions, with the competition coming to an end next Friday against Sandringham East. Venues for each of the sports will be posted on compass at the start of next week as well as the results, including any team who may progress to the Division Finals next term.
Southern Metropolitan Region Cross Country
Having initially competed at our House Cross Country Carnival, followed by the Seaside District Cross Country and the Division Cross Country, Chilli N (Year 6) and Vivienne Baker (Year 4) this week competed at the Southern Metropolitan Region Cross Country Competition.
I would like to congratulate Chilli on finishing in 16th place in the Region. What a wonderful effort Chilli!
I would also like to congratulate Vivienne who finished in 3rd position in the Region. Vivienne will now go on to compete at State level on the 13th of July, we are so proud of you Vivienne! We wish you all the best and can't wait to hear all about it!
Term 3 - What's on?
We are set for a very busy Term 3 with lots of sporting events planned!
- Tuesday 11th July - 5/6 Girls District Football Competition
- Monday 17th July - 5/6 Girls Division Football Competition (TBC - dependent on results at District - we are hopeful!)
- Tuesday 25th July - 5/6 Netball Victoria School Championships
- Friday 4th August - 3/4 Hoop Time Basketball Tournament
- Monday 7th August - 5/6 Hoop Time Basketball Tournament
- Friday 18th August - Year 4,5,6 House Athletics Carnival
- Tuesday 22nd August - F,1,2,3 House Athletics Carnival
- TBC Victorian Interschool Gymnastics Competition
- Friday 8th September - BRPS Footy Colours Day
- Tuesday 12th September - Year 4,5,6 Seaside District Athletics Carnival