Student of The Week Awards 

Congratulations to all our SOTW Award Recipients!

Monday 5 June, 2023 - Week 7


Student Name

For Demonstrating

Award Details


Cleo Wagner

A Love of Learning 

Cleo is one to be admired in FA! She is organised, enthusiastic and always extremely polite to her classmates and teachers. It is a delight seeing her come through the doors each morning with a big smile on her face and so much excitement to start the day. Keep up that amazing attitude Cleo, we love it!  


Max Miller


Congratulations to Max, who has displayed outstanding leadership in Foundation E! Max always demonstrates excellent listening and organisational skills in the classroom. He is a great team player and shows enthusiasm towards his peers’ achievements. 


Clementine McVey

Love of learning

Clem is a delightful student who has such a love of learning. She works conscientiously on all tasks. Clem leads the class with her answers in our daily Heggerty sessions, expresses her ideas and opinions in our circle time and enthusiastically participates in group activities. 


Jackson Skehan



Jackson has demonstrated that he is able to work cooperatively in a group and listen carefully to others’ thoughts and opinions. This was evident during our Wellbeing session where he acted out ways we can respectfully challenge gender stereotypes and include everyone. Keep up the wonderful work Jackson!


Evie Biggs


Evie has been displaying wonderful teamwork skills this term when working with others. She uses encouraging words, listens to her peers’ ideas, and ensures that she plays fairly. It has been fantastic to see Evie working well with others and having a positive impact on the class. Keep up the great work!



Connor Saris


Last week 2H had their great Eggsperiment! Connor was inventive with his idea and came up with a design solution that was like no one else. Not only did he demonstrate creativity and problem-solving skills, he also was incredibly supportive of his classmates and made them feel good about their own designs! Keep up the great attitude Connor!


Claire Duncan


Claire designed and created an incredible ‘Egg Safety Capsule’. She ensured that it met all requirements and protected her egg. Claire was focused and dedicated in the creation of her Safety Capsule and should be proud of her design effort! Well done Claire!



Millie Moore


Millie has demonstrated such kindness this week. She was the first to offer any extra supplies during our egg safety capsule lesson which really helped some of her classmates. Millie also was exceptional at celebrating other student’s success by cheering for them during ‘the drop’. Well done Millie!


Joe Hou

A Love of Learning 

Joe is to be commended for demonstrating an immense passion toward making new discoveries in the 3C classroom. This week, he has worked particularly hard during our whole class reading sessions. Joe thoroughly enjoys discussing his thoughts and ideas about The BFG with his classmates


Izzy Bright


Izzy is to be congratulated for completing a fantastic News Report presentation. She demonstrated incredible creativity by producing a video to persuade the audience that adding additional toilets to the BRPS oval would benefit the school community. Izzy used excellent persuasive language and some exciting role-playing to prove her point. It is so wonderful to see Izzy add her own creative flare to many of her learning tasks!


Lola Fernandez

A Love of Learning

Lola has made fantastic contributions to so many of our sessions this week. Whether it was sharing her thoughts about our class novel or explaining her maths strategies, her hand has been up to share her ideas. Keep it up Lola!



Zoe Catlin

A Love of Learning 

During our novel study of Number the Stars, Zoe has consistently made insightful comments, demonstrated inferential thinking and skilfully responded to all questions about the text. Her eagerness to share her knowledge with the class is inspiring and shows her commitment to her learning. Well done Zoe! We are so proud of you!


Zahra Hele


During our Writing sessions last week, Zahra conducted some very thorough research on coral bleaching. Through her meticulous investigation, she deepened her understanding of this pressing environmental issue. Nice work Zahra, I look forward to seeing your final report!


Chilli Nowak

A love of Learning 

For her unwavering dedication and remarkable passion for learning. Your love for acquiring knowledge and proactive engagement inspire others to embrace the joy of discovery. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition as an exceptional lifelong learner.