Assistant Principal's Report

I firstly want to thank the community for the support I have received over the past few weeks as I have stepped into the role of acting Assistant Principal. I am extremely grateful to have been a part of the BRPS community since 2007 and I look forward to maintaining the amazing standard that has been set by Jayne and other BRPS Assistant Principals before Jayne whom I have had the privilege of working with throughout the past 16 years while making the position my own.
I like to consider myself as very approachable (as long as I have had my morning cup of tea) so please feel free to come up for a chat. I would love to hear about your experience of being a member of the BRPS community.
Class Parent Representative and Staff Rep Meeting - Held Last Night
It was great to be a part of the meeting last night where our Parent Class Rep and members of staff - Brittany Lazzarin-Pholli, Cass Morgan and Annabel Ellis and myself met to come together to discuss future fundraising school events and our upcoming school concert, "Lights Up". It was a very well attended meeting with sharing of ideas and some laughs along the way! We look forward to holding our next meeting on Thursday 3rd August @ 7 pm in the staffroom. Any other members of the BRPS community that would like to be involved are more than welcome to join us. Please keep an eye out for concert updates and dates of our upcoming events in our Term Three Newsletters.k
Semester One Reports
As Sam mentioned in the last newsletter, reports are going to be published next week. Just to assist with a few changes that have been made since the start of the year the following may support with clarity.
Digital Technologies & LOTE
This semester, to use the buzzword, we have unfortunately needed to pivot. Students have engaged in lessons to build their use and understanding of technology instead of participating in their Language Other Than English weekly classes. LOTE will not be included in your child's report this semester and Digital Technologies will be a subject reported on in the Semester Two reports, as will, all going well, LOTE.
At this stage, we very much look forward to Ms Hour returning at the start of Semester Two. However, if this is not the case we will be sure to inform our BRPS community of the plans we will put in place to ensure the students are engaging in valuable learning sessions.
Performing Arts v's Music - What has changed and why?
The short answer is there is no real change to what the students participate in within their lessons. Over the years, part of our Specialist Program has included 'Music' as a title, however, within our Music program, elements of both Dance and Drama have also been included during Music classes to fit within the Victorian Curriculum. This year we have renamed our program to reflect this under the umbrella term of Performing Arts to encompass the three strands of Music, Drama and Dance and these will continue to be taught. This semester, Ms L-E has concentrated on teaching and exploring with students both Music and Drama and this will be reflected in the Semester One reports. Next semester, Music and Dance will be a focus, and Dance will also coincide with our school concert.
Have a wonderful weekend and a terrific holidays if I don't see you next week.
Emily Harvey