Library happenings...

May 24th was National Simultaneous Storytime.  Now in its 23nd successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy. This year the ALIA selected The Speedy Sloth by Rebecca Young to be read for NSS.  

Year 5's listening to Gabrielle Wang read "The Speedy Sloth"
Year 5's listening to Gabrielle Wang read "The Speedy Sloth"

Our classes enjoyed the story this week. We talked about the importance of running our own race and striving to be the best version of ourselves, like Spike "The Speedy Sloth".


The Year 1's also drew and described their own sloth.

Year 1's displaying their NSS activities
Year 1's displaying their NSS activities


Book Fair was a roaring success last week.  We sold over $10,000 of books to our eager BRPS readers, WOW!  We will be able to purchase a large variety of new library resources with our rewards from Scholastic.  Once again, THANK YOU for all your support of our school library!


Upcoming dates to remember:

August- Book Club issue 6 will be distributed

21st August- Book Week and guest author visit

28th/29th November- Book Fair



Ms Baker