Principal's Report

Hello BRPS Community,
As we approach the final week of Term 2 I want to thank you for your support of your child's learning and engagement at school, as well as participation in the many community events and activities held throughout the term. From swimming programs, camps and excursions to the whole-school cross country and the Mother's Day Lunch, as well as wellbeing events such as Green Zone Day, participation in the full breadth of school experiences by students and their families is commendable.
Student Achievement Reports
Semester One Student Acheivement Reports will be published in Compass for all students on Monday 19th June at 3.30pm. I hope that when you receive your child's report you are able to recognise their learning achievements and celebrate their learning progress throughout the first half of this year as there is much to be proud of.
Thank you to the teachers and support staff for their diligence and commitment to the many extra hours that are dedicated to providing detailed student learning information to students and their family.
Parent-Teacher Conferences - next week
Please remember to schedule a time for Parent /Teacher (and student Yr 4-6) conferences on Wednesday 21st June from 2pm-7pm.
The conferences are a wonderful opportunity to discuss and celebrate your child's learning progress directly with classroom teachers.
Staffing - Semester Two
After 44 years of dedicated service to teaching and educational leadership in Victoria, Mrs Lee Aigner will be retiring from her position at the end of this term. Please see the farewell page in this newsletter dedicated to Lee's career.
Abbey O'Brien (nee Parkinson) and new teacher Cath Macaskill (currently covering FK) will replace Lee in a shared role for 1A.
Georgie Harris (1H ) will be on leave for Term 3 and will be replaced by Krystal Frazer.
Cath Linsdell-Edwards will be taking leave for the first seven weeks of Term 3 and will be replaced in Performing Arts by Matt Halford, who is also returning from leave.
I would also like to thank Lorraine Bell who has taught the Digital Technologies lessons in Wen Ju Hours absence from Chinese. Wen Ju is progressing well with her recovery and at this stage we look forward to her returning to her role as the language teacher from the commencment of next term.
Other periods of minor leave next term will be communicated to individual classes.
Minor Capital Works Progress
Stadium Toilet & Change Rooms
I'm thrilled to officially announce that Black Rock PS has successfully obtained funding of $500,000 through the Victorian Minor Capital Works Fund to establish a much needed upgrade to our school and stadium facilities. Example concept designs and sketches are provided below. To be constructed on the oval side of the stadium, the project includes toilets and change rooms that are accessible from both the oval during school times and internally from the stadium as required.
Two-way access to sports storage is also included as part of the plan, as is the availability of drinking taps for students playing on the oval.
This project will be a wonderful asset for the shool and fulfils 40 years of dreams and requests from the successive Student Representative Councils to provide those facilities for students playing on the oval (sorry, we couldn't include a pool as part of the plans!).
Many thanks to Jayne Timms who was the driving force behind the grant application last year. Preliminary work has commenced and we look forward to the realisation of this project over the next 12 months.
Year 5 Camp - "The Island" Phillip Island
Our Year 5 students enjoyed an amazing week at "The Island" Phillip Island this week.
The students visited the Fairy Penguins, Amaze 'n' Things and a Wildlife Park, and during the week there were many adventure activities such as a flying fox and the ever-popular giant swing. Another highlight was the "Corporate Conference" business dinner held last night, followed by the "Red Faces" talent quest entertainment. It was a fantastic week with fun had by all!
I really must extend an enormous amount of gratitude and thanks to the Year 5 teachers (Rowan Doyle, Tori Lancaster, Rose Thompson and Kim Taing) for their effort and commitment in planning such a successful and safe camp. We know that camp involves 24-hour responsibilities and duty of care to provide such a rich and rewarding experience for our students. In addition, thanks to Yr 1 teacher Cal Jackson and pre-service teacher and past student Alex Watkins for volunteering to spend a week away from their families in support of this experience for our students.
2024 Foundation Enrolments
2024 Foundation enrolments are now open. We have held five successful tours this term and enrolments are building. If you are aware of any families that are seeking a school for next year please direct them to our website for further information about the enrolment process.
Sibling enrolments are now open, please contact the office for enrolment forms.
Have a wonderful holiday break.
Sam Tyndall