Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients

Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.

  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Reflection
  • Motivation
  • Resilience

On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.


We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.

Week 7

Prep L


For being a motivated learner who is always focused and ready to take on tricky learning tasks with a positive attitude! Isaac always strives to do his best whilst also being a fantastic role model who is always following the WOW's and being a kind friend! Well done Isaac! 

Prep N


For Letting your light shine!

Mateo is a motivated and determined learner who broke through his ‘worry wall” writing not one but two engaging narratives.  He included details and drama in his illustrations and took writing risks using his letter-sounds knowledge to attempt unknown words. FANTASTIC effort Mateo.  



For being a resilient learner who always tries his best at all learning tasks and gives everything a go. Isaac has been trying so hard in all learning areas, particularly in writing. He has been using his sight cards to help with his spelling and has been practicing writing on the dotted thirds. Well done Isaac, keep up the great work!



For being a reflective learner who responded to her teacher's feedback on some improvements to her writing. She was determined to use this advice to take her writing to the next level. Well done Edna on being responsive in your learning! 



For being a reflective learner who takes on teacher feedback to improve her work. Jacqlyn has worked extremely hard in exploring analgue clocks. She was able to show quarter past and quarter two times and ensured her minute and hour hand was placed correctly. Well done! Keep up the fantastic work Jacqlyn. 



For being a motivated learner who was enthusiastic to discover what threats animals from Indonesia faced. She is always investing in her learning and eager to improve her knowledge. Motivation will get you everywhere, Jill!



For being a reflective learner who took feedback on board to improve his persuasive writing. Priam is always finding ways to be better and sees mistakes as opportunities for learning. Keep it up, Priam!



For being a curious learner who asks thought-provoking questions and has genuine wonderings that propel your learning journey. Well done Mandela!



For being a motivated learner who is focussed and driven to improve her work responding to feedback from teachers and peers. Her creative writing on the Peregrine Falcon was not only informative but it was presented beautifully. 

Well done Akira! 



For being a reflective and motivated learner, who always challenges herself to do her best and a little bit more. One example of this was in Reading,  where you extended yourself to create a fantastic two page spread about Peregrines that was interesting and informative. You independently edited your work, reflecting on what improvements could be made. You approach all your learning with a positive attitude and are a fantastic example for your peers! Keep up the wonderful work Akshara.



For being a collaborative learner, who listens, takes turns and shares tasks.  You are incredibly patient and can absolutely be relied upon to do your best and a little bit more.  Last week you did an exceptional job being a runner for our school photos - you ensured all classes were called at the right time, you tracked down missing items of uniforms and helped students line up in order of height and you did it all with a smile on your face!  Thank you for being an amazing  school captain and leading by example Anika! 

Jan-Maree (Art) 

Akshara 5/6K

For being a motivated learner who  strives to meet all of the Success Criteria and works to the best of her ability to produce high quality artworks.