
Infants Class Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received a class award at Friday's assembly:


KH - Declan Rountree and Kiandra Archibald

KT - Macie Arnold and Dempsey Paterson

1L - Cruze Proctor and Brax Koster

1D - Isla Hanlon and Mila Keam

2H - Khyle Wait, Kobi Edwards and Letty Murray

2B - Jaxx Dummer and Cherri Taylor 


Primary Class Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received a class award at Friday's assembly:


2/3RM - Harry Nightingale and Ava Taboada-Groom

3P - Liam Arnold and Isla Baker

3N - Layla Brown and Ky Banks

4S - Charlotte Hanlon and Joel Vaiciurgis

4G - Chase Turner and Coco Baechtold

5M - Emily Donovan and Cruise Davies

5B - Willow Findlay and Mylee Jeffery

6G - Tullie Brown and Harry Adams

6D - Bodhi Smith and William Kocek