PBL Focus

This fortnight in PBL we are focusing on being Safe and Respectful at school. Students are ensuring they are in the right place before school, during eating time, moving around the school and at home time.

PBL Awards 

Congratulations to the following students who received a PBL award at Friday's assembly:



KH - Darcie Wallace

KT - Miila-Jane Dummer

1L - Bella Taylor

1D - Dartanion Aslamatzis

2H - Harry Benfield

2B - Finn Darrington

2/3RM - Feder van Aggelen

3P - Benjamin Edmonds

3N - Harrison O’Brien

4S - Lilah Green

4G - Connor Kafer

5M - Leyla Mapour

5B - Braxton Gregory 

6G - Sophie Ralph

6D - Taliyah Sealey