In the Classroom

Social Skills and Resilience 

Social Skills and Resilience

This term we have been focusing on personal strengths, what they are and how we can use these to help us when we feel negative emotions. We have also been playing games that focus on the important skills of listening, communicating, teamwork and problem solving. 


Last week, all students presented to all other students and staff about their learning. The students in Years 3-6 presented their learning about Refugees with a speech and visual presentation. They were aiming to make sure that everyone in the audience, from Year 1 to adults could understand their speech, and learn more. Each student developed their own question or questions to find more about, and then plan, research, seek feedback and reflect on their learning over a four week block. We are happy to share their work with you. The students in Years 1 and 2 created a persuasive poster to communicate their learning about the impact of rubbish on the animal world and presented it to all of us. 



The links to the videos are for family and community to see the product of the students' hard work. To protect our students, please do not share the videos on social media or beyond our community.