Relieving Principal Report

Mrs Hannah Crawford

I trust everyone had a lovely long weekend.  Not only do the weekends fly by, the weeks fly by and this term has flown by - hard to fathom the fact that we are halfway through June already. 


Last week we had our GO PINK day which was run by our School Captains, Sophie and Eddie. Everyone wore pink and the leaders organised for us to have pink pikelets and a Find a Word which was scattered with words related to the charity which is raising money for Breast Cancer research.  Thank you to everyone for their donations to a good cause and to Sophie and Eddie for their leadership in this.  Unfortunately we were having so much fun we seem to have neglected to take any decent photos of the occasion but everyone looked very dashing in all of their pink.


There are many benefits of giving and doing things for others.  According to Connect Health and Community, research shows that giving to others and being charitable makes us happier,  it strengthens our personal values and creates a culture of giving and sharing as it is inspiring to others. It also assists in helping us to develop gratitude and understand the value and importance of generosity.  In our situation here at Niangala Public School it also demonstrates that a little bit can go a long way and even giving a little can change not only someone else's circumstances but often your own - for the better. 


So thank you everyone for your support and I look forward to working with the leaders to brainstorm some ideas for their Term 3 charity.  


Stay warm.