

Emily Murcott - Wellbeing Coordinator




Students in Prep are delving deeper into Friendology. This week they focused on  recognising the qualities and attributes that help to create a healthy friendship, strengthening their social-awareness. Through the Friend-o-meter, a visual tool that helps children think about whether a friendship is healthy or unhealthy, students start to create social boundaries in their lives and recognise that not all relationships are good for us. This session the students began to think critically about their friendships, helping to paint a picture in their mind about what great friendships look like and the importance of surrounding themselves with feel-good friendships. Have a look at the Friend-o-meters that they created in class. I hope all households have been able to place this somewhere visible at home and that their child can tell you all about healthy and unhealthy friendships. There will be many more crafts, discussions and learning to come!


Thanks Mia in 56M who recognised that a staff member had her hands full when entering the main building and Mia opened the door for her. Such a lovely act of kindness! 


Are you wondering who the kind students was who was making something in Visual Arts to give to his brother? It is Blake M in 56M. He decided to make a dinosaur and give it to his brother for no particular reason, but to be kind. What a kind brother you are! 

I am so grateful for the kindness of the students from OSCH who recognised that the leaves had built up on the ground at the entrance of the school. These students asked to sweep up the leaves and moved them out of the way to make out school look clearer at the start of the day.