
Mphatso Children’s Foundation 

As many of you may know, we have had an ongoing relationship with Mphatso Children’s Foundation in Malawi for many years. A former parent of Buninyong PS, Robyn Casey, established the Mphatso Children’s Foundation back in 2004. Their mission is to FEED THE CHILDREN, GROW THE COMMUNITY & IMPACT THE FUTURE.


We will be running an EPIC fundraiser for Mphatso at the end of Term 3, which will tie in with our annual footy/sports colours day. We encourage students to start saving and collecting as many 5c coins as they can to bring along on the day! Further details will be provided closer to the date. 


5c coins have become synonymous with Mphatso, as this is how much it costs to provide a bowl of porridge to a student each day at school. For many of the children, this is the only food they will have for the day. 


The Mphatso donation tin is always available at the main office at Buninyong for anyone wishing to make a donation, of any amount. Quite often we have students coming up to deposit all of the coins they have been saving! 


For more information about Mphatso, please visit their website or Facebook page