School Policies

Victorian government schools have many policies to assist and guide operations as required by the Department of Education. Our policies can be found on our school website: .


This week, we would like to highlight:


Administration of Medication


The purpose of this policy is to explain the processes Buninyong Primary School will follow to safely manage the provision of medication to students while at school or school activities, including camps and excursions. 


Inclusion & Diversity


The purpose of this policy is to explain Buninyong Primary School’s commitment to making sure every member of our school community, regardless of their background or personal attributes, is treated with respect and dignity. 


Respect for School Staff 


To ensure that members of our community understand Buninyong Primary School’s expectations for appropriate interactions with school staff. 


Photographing, Filming & Recording of Students 


This notice applies to photographs, video or recordings of students that are collected, used and disclosed by the school.


We welcome feedback from families and members of our school community on ways we can further strengthen our policies, procedures and practices. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please contact