Scotsburn News 

Important Dates

National Reconciliation Week Monday 29th May - Friday 3rd June
Report Writing Day (student free day)Thursday 1st June
Scotsburn AssemblyFriday 2nd June
Scotsburn Parent DinnerThursday 8th June
King’s Birthday (student free day)Monday 12th June
Scotsburn AssemblyFriday 16th June
VSSS Rehearsal DayFriday 16th June
School Reports available on CompassFriday 16th June
Parent Teacher Interviews

Wednesday 21st June

Thursday 22nd June

Whole School AssemblyFriday 23rd June

Report Writing Day Thursday

A reminder that this Thursday is our whole school report writing day. This will be a student free day for all students at both campuses. Teachers have had a wonderful time writing reports over recent times, reflecting on all the amazing achievements that the students have already demonstrated in 2023. We look forward to so much more as the year progresses!

Whole School Review - Scotsburn Parent Forum

Thank you very much to our parent community for your participation in our School Review Parent Forum on Monday. We had 13 in attendance, which was amazing in itself and demonstrated to the panel members what a wonderfully supportive community that we have. The panel members walked away from yesterday very happy with what they observed, with a great sense of what Scotsburn is about and what makes us such a great place. Thanks again everyone!

Buninyong Campus Visit Last Friday

Last Friday morning was a really nice visit to the Buninyong Campus. We were involved in the Shelter in Place Emergency Drill (really valuable practise for us), the whole school assembly, then a visit to the library. Finally, as a campus, we were able to participate in a presentation from the Ballarat Tech School, who brought along Spot the robot dog. This was an amazing experience and one that the students won’t forget any time soon!

Also, a big congratulations to Ava and Maverick for winning a Specialist Bunjil Awards! Awesome job Ava and Mav!

Scotsburn Parent Social Dinner

This term, Buninyong Primary School have organised some Social Dinners for parents in conjunction with Red Door Pizza. This will be an opportunity for parents to meet or catch up with other families from your child’s year levels for a fun night in a relaxed environment. 



  • Scotsburn - Thursday 8 June 

We would love as many Scotsburn parents to be in attendance as possible, for a fun, relaxing and yummy catch up!


Please look out on your Compass portal for an “Insight” survey, click on this to RSVP.  This will close on Monday at 12pm in the week of your dinner.

Please note that food and drinks are at menu prices and that this is for adults only. 

Thanks everyone, we hope that you can make it!

Reconciliation Week

This Friday, we invite all students to wear, ‘a touch of yellow’ for National Reconciliation Week. Students will be participating in a range of activities throughout the week to acknowledge and learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements.

Weather permitting, Liz will be up to work on our Bunji Mural from 8:30-10:30am. Parents are very welcome to come along and help decorate a feather on Bunjil’s wings or tail. It would be great to see you there!

National Simultaneous Book Read

Last Wednesday, all Scotsburn campus was involved in the National Simultaneous Storytime held annually by the Australian Library. Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops, and many other places around the country. There were over 2 million around the country tuned in this year! This year's book, The Speedy Sloth, was read live from the Sydney Zoo. The Speedy Sloth is a great book about celebrating all winners ... especially those who don't come first but try their hardest. 

Buninyong Kindergarten Visits

Buninyong Kindergarten will be visiting the Scotsburn Campus over the next couple of weeks. Each kindergarten group will be spending the morning in SC1 as part of our transition program. This also gives us a great chance to showcase our wonderful campus and students. 


The dates are as follows: Tuesday 6th, Friday 9th, Tuesday 13th and Thursday 15th June.

SC1 Learning Snapshot

It has been wonderful to see kindness being thrown around, just like the autumn leaves! Students have been really enjoying their time at school during breaks and making the most of enjoying one another's company and the fun that comes with friendship. Although we have had a couple of wet day plays inside, everyone has made the most enjoying our time together at school. 

Last Friday, while down at the Buninyong campus, all Scotsburn students had the opportunity to meet Spot the robot dog. Spot was built by the Ballarat Tech School at a cost of around $250,000. Students were very keen to ask questions and see all the cool things Spot was capable of doing!

A big congratulations to Chelsea from SC1 who has been selected to join the cast of Finding Nemo Jnr. Chelsea will be participating in the musical theatre production alongside other Buninyong students. We wish you all the best Chelsea and know you will be a little superstar! 


Kirsty and Ana

SC2 Learning Snapshot

On Wednesday 14 June, SC2 will be participating in a Zoom incursion and joining Australian writing legend Andy Griffiths (the Just series, the Treehouse series) as he shares his storytelling secrets and tells some of the funniest and silliest jokes from his stories. 

Last week, our students were very lucky to have Makayla Anderson and Holly McCadie complete a week’s placement in SC2. The girls formed fantastic relationships with our students and SC2 truly benefited from this experience. Makayla and Holly took over on Friday afternoon and delivered an amazing celebration for our students, who showed so much gratitude towards the two. 

Have a great week!



SC3 Learning Snapshot

Last week we finally got the opportunity to present some of our Slam Poems, and my goodness, they were amazing! All students got right into the performance aspect of the task and demonstrated great courage to perform in front of an audience. I was particularly blown away with the amazing figurative language used and expression. As a celebration, we are planning to have a few groups perform at this week’s whole school assembly.


In Maths over the past week we have been playing the fluency game “Speeding” which works on students ability to recall times table facts rapidly. Students are loving it and improving their times rapidly!


Thanks to Josh and his family, on Tuesday we were delivered 9 incredible drums to borrow and use as part of our music and performing arts program. These drums will be an absolute asset to the class and the campus as a whole and we look forward to seeing them in use. 

Good luck to Josh, James and Henry who are off on Friday to the interschool Soccer competition. We know that you will do an amazing job!

Have another awesome week everyone!



Art learning snapshot


Students have been learning about colour theory this term. We have enjoyed some colour experiments to see the effects of mixing primary and secondary colours, as well as reading some awesome books by Herve Tullet which explore colour in a fun and interactive way. One of our favourite activities was dragging primary coloured paint around with pieces of cardboard, which produced amazing and varied results as the colours moved and mixed in different proportions. We then read “The Mixed-up Chameleon” by Eric Carle, a fantastic story about a Chameleon who wants to be like all the other zoo animals but discovers he loves being himself. We turned our beautifully painted papers into the Chameleon in his own form, and shared the things we love about ourselves with the class. These beautiful thoughts have been scribed and glued onto the back of the artworks and will hopefully be a lovely keepsake for families. We will now explore tints and shades, and continue linking colour theory to our study of colours in Japanese. Enjoy!

Scotsburn Intercampus Travel

At times, Scotsburn students will be transported between campuses in order to attend classes, assemblies, special days and events. On most occasions, transport required through the day will be by bus and occasionally private car for smaller groups of students. Parents may be asked to drop off or collect from the Buninyong campus if sessions are at the beginning or ending of a day.

We will always let you know of any upcoming travel arrangements via our newsletter, Compass, or via phone for smaller, more specific travel arrangements. 

If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding intercampus travel, please contact your child’s teacher.

Staff Contacts

Mr Morgan:

Mrs Anderson:

Mr Walsh:

Mrs Robinson:

Mrs Morgan:

Ms Middlin:


The Scotsburn Team