Grade 5/6
Term 2
Grade 5/6
Term 2
We pride ourselves on giving our students a voice here at Andersons Creek Primary School, and this week, our Grade 5/6 students were part of the student focus groups, to give Mr Webber an insight into their thoughts and opinions of our school. The areas of focus included:
All students were heard and they really enjoyed the session, offering the things they love and the things they want to see improve.
The students have been busy rehearsing for their upcoming Wakakirri performance during their Performing Arts sessions, as well as during lunch time rehearsals. The 5/6 teachers were lucky enough to get a sneak peak at their performance on Tuesday afternoon and it got us very excited for the upcoming event (in Term 3!). We would like to thank Linda Zanatta and Sarah Bailey for all the hard work they have and continue to put into this performance. If you have not yet given consent via Compass, we kindly ask that you do so as soon as possible.
On Wednesday 14th June, the 5/6 teachers are released for the day to plan for Term 3. Your children will work with Mrs Clarke and Mrs Bailey on this day in their respective learning areas.