Principal's Report

We Care Donation

On behalf of the Andersons Creek Primary School community, I would like to express our gratitude to Preston and Natasha for selecting our school as the recipient of Biddick's Bakery's We Care donation for the month of May. Your generous contribution will have a positive impact on our school, with the funds used to support materials for our vegetable garden, as well as funding two student-led proposals and initiatives centred around permaculture and a School Breakfast Club program. I am always so proud to see students taking initiative to help others and I would like to congratulate Indie and Josie for their outstanding work in researching how we can incorporate permaculture to enhance our vegetable garden. Additionally, I want to acknowledge and commend Maddy, Emma, and Layla for their leadership in instigating a school Breakfast Club initiative. We look forward to piloting this program each Wednesday, commencing next week, from 8:40am at the canteen area. 

Camp Jungai

As the days draw closer to your exciting adventure at Camp Jungai, I wanted to take a moment to wish all of our campers a fabulous time ahead! This upcoming week will be filled with new experiences, lasting memories, and wonderful opportunities for growth. Embrace the challenges, seize every moment of fun, and support each other at every step. Take the opportunity to discover new friendships, explore the great outdoors, and create life long memories. We believe in each and every one of you and cannot wait to hear about the incredible stories you'll bring back from Camp Jungai. 


Student Focus Groups 

This week, I had the privilege of conducting Focus Groups with our Grade 5 and 6 students, and it was an incredibly valuable experience. Collaborating with myself and the Grade 5 and 6 Teachers, these sessions provided an opportunity for students to share their voices and insights regarding continuous school improvement. The discussions covered various aspects, including learning, engagement and wellbeing, extracurricular activities, and our physical environment. I am immensely impressed by the way our students applied themselves during these sessions, expressing thoughtful opinions and ideas, and sticking to our shared norms to ensure a safe environment to share. Their input is invaluable in shaping the future of our school. I want to extend my sincere thanks to all the students who participated in the Focus Groups for their contributions and dedication to making our school an even better place to come to each day. 


Food Drive Extended

In conjuction with the Community Bank Warrandyte, we have extended the food drive for a further 2 weeks. Lets get behind their "CAN DO" Campaign and dig deep for those families in need.
















Daniel Webber
