In our Special Education classes

Out and about

Whilst out and about on Community Access days, students are gaining experience utilising their Opal Cards . Here you see our students tapping on whilst enroute to the Casula Powerhouse Art Centre. Our journey began with a bus to Liverpool train station, followed by a train to Casula and a visit to the Casula Powerhouse Art Gallery.  As our day came to a close - a return train trip to Liverpool and a brisk walk to Westfield shopping centre allowed us to enjoy some shopping time! Finally on to the bus to return to back to school. A great day for all.


NOVA Film Festival Awards Night

We had three entries in the recent NOVA Film Festival Competition -   The Ghost in My Class, the Cecil Hills Sports Show and The MAFU Art Exhibition Workshop. A great night was had by all as we viewed segments of the runners up and the winners.  Thank you for voting and watching our videos. Your support is greatly appreciated.



Matthew Capulong with Theresa Serevi
LtoR: Mason Tran, Matthew Capulong, Theresa Serevi
Matthew Capulong with Theresa Serevi
LtoR: Mason Tran, Matthew Capulong, Theresa Serevi