Year 9 PASS Excursion to
Mt Selwyn
Year 9 PASS Excursion to
Mt Selwyn
Our three Year 9 PASS classes recently took the opportunity to travel to Mt Selwyn in the Snowy Mountains. The weather was perfect. Clear, sunny skies, a windless dawn and snow jets pumping welcomed our students from their ‘slumber’ as they arrived at Mt Selwyn at 7.30am following a 4.30am start.
In and out of ski hire, 54 students went straight into skiing or snowboarding lessons at 8.30am. For many, this was their first foray into this quite strange and challenging environment. For the few who had been before they were challenged with more demanding lessons. All students were taken out of their comfort zones and were faced with challenges to be overcome. A strange, white, icy, slippery environment challenges even the most gifted athlete, and funnily enough, it is often the most gifted athlete who struggles the most.
It was terrific to watch all of our students learning the basics, applying their newfound skills and successfully negotiating the more demanding runs by the end of the day. For those students who overcame their initial fears and those who persevered and gained improvement throughout the day. Much has been learnt about themselves, human nature, and their ability to gain rewards through persistent endeavour. Oh, and they also learnt to ski/snowboard which are skills that will last a lifetime.
I would like to thank all students for their excellent behaviour and ability to work in groups to achieve success for all concerned. To Mr McNamara, Mr Price, Mrs Cooper and Mrs Jones who gladly gave up an early morning and late return to spend the day, as I did, watching our Year 9’s being successful, and more importantly, enjoying themselves (away from a screen!!). Also, thanks to Ben, our driver, and Allen’s Coaches who are always so helpful.
Peter Gaffney | Academic Care & Wellbeing Coordinator.