Curriculum Matters

A reminder that the 2018 Year 9 Electives subjects information handbook and google selection form will be shared with all of the Year 8 students via email next week. Subject information seminars will also be held at the beginning of Week 6 to assist students develop their understanding of each of the electives offered. Please take time to read the Subject Handbook and engage in the seminars, ensuring you pick the subject that you will enjoy. The google selection form will be due for submission by Friday, 25th August (Week 6).
Year 11 have Yearly Exams approaching (Monday 4th September - Monday 18th September). They have been advised to do the necessary preparation so that they succeed. Utilise coaching each morning and the support of your teachers to assist with your preparation.
Lastly, just a reminder that Year’s 7-10 Parent, Teacher and Student Interviews will be held on Tuesday, 5th September (Week 8). Take this opportunity to engage in conversations with your child’s teachers, assisting in their planning for continued learning improvement for the duration of this semester. Bookings can be made online via SOBS (School Online Booking System) from Monday 14th August (Week 5).
Peter Hunt | Leader of Curriculum