Whats Happening

Important Message
Any student leaving Kildare Catholic College during the year to attend another school, TAFE or commence full time employment needs to collect a “Leavers Form” from the front office and have it signed by the Resource Centre, Canteen, House Coordinator, and the Principal. The student must then have this form signed by their parent/guardian and returned to the front office.
Application for Leave
If students need to be absent from school for five or more days they now need to obtain approval from the Principal and complete an Application For Leave Form. This has been put in place by the government and we need to commit to this procedure. Forms are available at the front office or downloaded below. If approval is not given or sought from the Principal, students will be marked as an unexplained absence.
Please download leave applications: HERE
Medical Plans
NSW Department of Education advises that:
"When students need help with health issues at school, parents may need to consult with their medical practitioner about the implications of the child's health condition for their schooling and any actions that need to occur during the school day. Parents need to convey relevant information from the medical practitioner to the principal in writing."
If your child has a medical plan please insure that the college has a copy. If you need more information please contact Natalie O'Reilly on (02) 6925 3388 or oreillyn@ww.catholic.edu.au
Starr’s Planetarium has the most advanced 3D immersive projection system travelling to venues today. Their mobile planetarium has been inspiring and entertaining audiences for twelve years.
The dome provides a theatre setting for 360° 3D digital images with surround sound that is totally interactive.
Combining animation with real time imagery, this display allows audiences to experience the night sky on a massive scale.
The planetarium will be in Wagga Wagga for only two days, so don’t miss your chance to travel to the farthest regions of the universe and ignite your students’ passion for astronomy. Sessions run for approximately 50 minutes.
Where: Wagga Wagga Civic Arcade
Cost: Free.
Dates: Thursday 17th and Friday 18th August
Times: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1.30pm
Please note the planetarium can accommodate up to 35 Primary students, or 25 Secondary students per session.
To add to your excursion experience, Wagga Wagga Art Gallery is also offering the opportunity for students to participate in Fishing Under the Moon, a community engagement project woven around Indigenous hunter-gatherer practices that utilized astronomical indicators such as fish feeding around the moon cycles.
Come along to this interactive exhibition and celebrate the ancient Indigenous technology of weaving. You'll learn to weave fish using natural grasses such as Lomandra Longifolia.
Take your creations home or add them to our installation celebrating First Nations know-how and knowledge.
Call 02 6926 9700 or email wcl@wagga.nsw.gov.au to book your session!
This inspiring Australia Initiative is supported by the Australian Government as part of National Science Week
Both exhibits are also open to the general public from 5.30pm Thursday 17th August. More information can be found at http://www.wagga.nsw.gov.au/library/book-lovers/riverina-science-hub
We look forward to seeing you at the library!
Wendy Harper
Program Officer - Programs & Promotions
1300 292 442
d 02 6926 9770 | e Harper.Wendy@wagga.nsw.gov.au
Wagga Wagga City Library · 243 Baylis Street (PO Box 20) · Wagga Wagga NSW 2650