Principal Message 


Rod Whelan

Hello everyone,

Over the past few years (if you have been here that long) you have hopefully noticed efforts to increase coherence and effectiveness of teaching through a focus on elements of a productive lesson and on whole-school approaches to teaching aspects of literacy. Teachers continued their literacy learning with sessions this week  on assisting students to write complex sentences in the subject areas.  New staff also had an update on teaching vocabulary. Here is a reprint of why we focus on vocabulary and reading and the best way to teach vocabulary.

We are expanding reading material in the Resource Centre again, with a focus on magazines and periodicals. Plenty of exciting and interesting titles are on the way with sports, hobbies and creative arts featuring heavily. Parents and carers please continue to encourage reading at home. Remember that Year 7 and 8 students have a deal where they read and do some maths (often HOTMaths) each night and are not given other homework. They do need to keep the deal!