Parent/Guardian News

Mental health supports for students over school holidays
Fact sheets have been developed for families to help support students with their mental health over the school holidays. There is one for parents/carers, and another for students. You can find the page here to download the fact sheets.
VTAC University Application Dates
In Term 3, Year 12 students will commence their tertiary course applications. Students can apply to universities across Victoria through the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Center (VTAC). Students are guided to submit this application through the Skills, Ethics, Careers and Citizenship (SECC) subject, and through individual careers counselling.
This year, students will receive their VCE results on 13 December 2021, with only one day to update their university course preference list through VTAC once they receive these results. This means all students must be organised, and include backup courses in their preference list to ensure they receive an offer on 20 December 2021.
Students are also encouraged to apply for the Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS), La Trobe Aspire, ACU Guaranteed, and VU Guaranteed special entry programs as they submit their VTAC applications.
VTAC Dates:
Applications open for courses, SEAS, and scholarships | Monday 2 August 21 |
Timely course applications close | Thursday 30 September 21 |
SEAS and Scholarships applications close | Friday 8 October 21 |
ATAR and VCE results released | 7am Monday 13 December 21 |
Change of preference deadline for December offers | 4pm Tuesday 14 December 21 |
December offers released | Monday 20 December 21 |
January offers released | Friday 14 January 22 |
Brendan Taig - Careers Practitioner
Western Chances Scholarship Applications
The Western Chances Scholarship supports talented students who live in the Western Suburbs and face financial difficulties. Many SCHS students have received support from this scholarship to achieve academic success in both high school and university studies. New Western Chances Scholarship applications will open in July. Please check the Compass Bulletin for application instructions at the beginning of Term 3.
Brendan Taig - Careers Practitioner
Fundraising & Building and Library Fund
Suzanne Cory High School believes that when provided the right environment and opportunity, all students have the potential to achieve the excellence they aspire to.
Currently for our 10 Year Celebration, we are raising funds to build a pavilion for our school. It will enhance what we can offer our students, as well as our community members too.
Click here to make a donation today. Don't forget, all donations over $2 is tax deductible.
We have also created a special range of limited edition 10 Year anniversary items that are available for purchase from our reception area. These range from pins, drink bottles, pens etc. There will be new items available throughout the year. Please keep an eye out for announcements over compass and the Agora TV screens.
Facebook SCHS Community Group
Hello Parents/Guardians
In case you missed it, SCHS have a Facebook community group that you are welcome to join. This is just an informal forum where you can touch base with other members in the community. To join, click here and please ensure you answer the questions.
Lost and Found
Please ensure that students return to school with all their items labelled clearly with their name. At the end of Term 2, we have had to donate many items as lost property remained uncollected. We also ask that students ensure that they lock their personal belongings in their lockers when not in use to ensure that nothing goes missing.