Principal's Report

Term 2 Reflection
As we come to the end of Semester 1 and mark the halfway point in this year, it falls to me to write my first (Acting) Principal’s report and reflect upon term two at SCHS. In many ways this was a term of two halves; split once again by lockdown and the inherent restrictions that come with our return to school post lockdown. In looking back on this term we can reflect on the positives as well as the challenges it has brought us and how the school has adapted to manage these challenges.
The first half of this term typified what normal life is like at SCHS. It was a delight to see live music performances return to the school in our Winter concert, showcasing the talents and hard work of our students. A wide range of sports and extra-curricular teams participated in training and competition from chess to volleyball and public speaking. These activities enrich the lives of our students and provide them with opportunities to develop their teamwork, collaboration, and creativity. We know that these skills complement their academic learning and help set them up for success in the future.
Our plans to implement the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program as an alternative senior pathway from 2022 have also been progressing well, led by our IB coordinator Ms Jasmine Byrne. As this qualification is run by the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) we have to undertake a rigorous authorisation process to check that our teachers are appropriately trained, that all courses are written and that our school policies and procedures align with those of the IBO. Late last term teachers, students and parents participated in a virtual consultation visit which indicated we were on track to meet all these requirements. We have now submitted our application for authorisation and anticipate completing this process next term, so our first potential cohort of IB students can select this option with confidence.
Unfortunately, the impact of COVID on SCHS was seen yet again; this was our 6th consecutive term marked by a period of remote and flexible learning. Whilst this was a relatively short period of lockdown the impacts of it have been wide reaching. We were forced to make the heartbreaking decision to postpone both our House Chorals competition and the Year 12 Formal; events that had been widely anticipated and longed for. These events have been rescheduled to (a now very busy) term 3 and we remain determined to proceed. Our teachers and students once again quickly switched to online learning, and I am immensely proud of how effectively the whole school worked to ensure learning continued throughout this time.
The biggest impact of school closure is undoubtedly the uncertainly that comes with it and the impact this has upon mental health. Across the state of Victoria there has been a rise in calls to support services such as Lifelife and Beyond Blue, and we know that our young people have been amongst the hardest hit. As a school our counsellors (including the therapy dogs) and our Heads of House have noticed an elevated level of stress and anxiety amongst students. We know that simple measures such as regular exercise, a healthy diet and sufficient sleep do really help support mental health. We also encourage our students to reach out if they, or their friends need support during this time.
I am thankful that, as we see easing of restrictions, our school life is returning to the vibrant and active community it usually is. Our celebration of diversity continues this week as our annual LOTE week is underway, and I look forward to seeing the wide range of cultural dress that students will come to school in on Friday. The sport and co-curricular programs are swinging back into action with competition to resume in term 3. As we all look forward to a very well deserved break I congratulate the school community on the resilience and support for each other that has been demonstrated this term.
Martha Goodridge-Kelly
Acting Principal
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