Physical Education/Sport

Have a look at the clip made by Downball Australia.
Students who won free tournament entry will receive their prizes via email asap.
On Tuesday 25th May, 50 athletes from Mullum Primary competed at the District Cross Country at Quambee Reserve, North Ringwood. We are in the Warrandyte South Sporting District which includes – Our Lady’s, Ringwood Heights, Croydon, Ainslie Parklands, Marlborough, St Annes and St Richards primary schools. Our venue changed this year due to Council work being completed at Domeney Reserve. Our new course seems a bit flatter with one very steep hill. Students competed in their age groups on a warmish but very windy day – and we only had one down pour of rain. 9/10 year olds ran a 2 kilometre course; 11/12/13 year olds ran a 3 kilometre course. Congratulations to our whole team for a fine effort!!
The results were:
Finishing top in their race categories were:
12/13 boys Caden M 3rd Grade 6
Kade M 4th Grade 6
12/13 girls Maddie T 11th Grade 6
11 boys Henry B 9th Grade 5
11 girls Annie S 8th Grade 5
9/10 boys Samuel T 1st Grade 3
9/10 girls Emma L 7th Grade 3
Hailey W 9th Grade 4
Isabella A-B 11th Grade 4
Eh Tha Yu 12th Grade 4
Each race had between 45 and 60 competitors approximately.
A big thank you to Olivia Thomas, Samuels’ Mum, who helped as a course marshal.
The following students have now qualified for the Division Cross Country which will be run next Tuesday 1st June at the Yarra Glen Race Course. Students need private transport and parental supervision for this event. Information for this race was handed out at the District Cross Country; if you have misplaced this information, please contact Fiona Pumpa. A note through Compass has been email home this week.
Our Division Cross Country team includes:
12/13 boys Kade M
Caden M
12/13 girls emergency – Maddie T
11 boys Henry B
11 girls Annie S
9/10 boys Samuel T
9/10 girls Emma L
Hailey W
emergencies – Isabella A-B and Eh Tha Yu
- Thursday 5th August - Whole School House Athletics Carnival at Proclamation Park. All students from Foundation to Grade 6 will be involved in this event. Parent helpers needed for this event.
- Thursday 12th August – back up day for whole school House Athletics Carnival
- Monday 8th November to Friday 12th November - Whole School Swimming Program at Aquanation. Students will be transported by bus and supervised by Mullum teachers.
- Tuesday 1st June – Division Cross Country at Yarra Glen Racecourse. For qualifying students via District XC. Parent/guardian supervision and transport required.
- Tuesday 15th June - Eastern Metropolitan Region Cross Country at Yarra Glen Racecourse. For qualifying students via Division XC. Parent/guardian supervision and transport required.
- Thursday 15th July – State Cross Country at Bundoora Park. For qualifying students via EMR XC. Parent/guardian supervision and transport required.
- Thursday 2nd September – Warrandyte South District Athletics Carnival at Bill Sewart Aths Track. For all Grade 5/6 students plus qualifying Grade 4 students via House Aths carnival. All students will be transported by bus and supervised by Mullum teachers. Back up dates: 7th Sept, 9th Sept, 13th Sept.
- Thursday 7th October – Maroondah/Manningham Divisions Athletics Carnival at Bill Sewart Aths Track. For qualifying students via District Aths carnival. Parent/guardian transport and supervision required.
- Thursday 21st October - Eastern Metropolitan Athletics Carnival for qualifying students via the Division Aths carnival. Parent/guardian transport and supervision required.
- Thursday 11th November – State Athletics Carnival at Lakeside for qualifying students via EMR competition. Parent/guardian transport and supervision required.
Please note: Dates may change due to unforeseen circumstances. Further information will be provided closer to the dates. If you have any questions about these events, please email me through Compass or call the office.
Fiona Pumpa