Junior School News

I would like to thank the Junior School families for all of their work during the last two weeks of remote learning. Mentone Girls’ Secondary College appreciates everything you have done to support your daughter during this challenging time. The students really rose to the challenges they faced with determination, a positive attitude and showed resilience during remote learning
Kahoots in remote learning
It was lovely to see some year 7 and 8 students become involved in the Junior School Kahoot which ran on Wednesday 2 June at lunchtime. Mrs Witt tried hard to compete against the students, but the students were just too good with their music knowledge.. All students who attended earned house points!
Congratulations to Viha (7B - Jackson) for winning the 2019/2020 Pop music Kahoot, followed by Bridie (7C - Jackson) and Tara (7C - Keny) in second and third place.
Winter Uniform
Students must wear their Winter Uniform from the 1st June. This consists of either blue school pants or a winter skirt with a blue button through shirt. The recommended length of the winter skirt is 5cm above or below the knee. Navy blue tights, or blue socks may be worn. The school scarf can also be worn.
Year 8 Student Manager
Welcome to Ms Chloe Delahenty who has joined the Junior School team. Chloe is an English teacher and will be replacing Mel Erwin as Student Manager for 8B, D, G and H. The email contact is Chloe.Delahenty@education.vic.gov.au
A huge thank you to Mel Erwin who has been in this role for the last two years. She has done a terrific job and she has been a valued team member of the Junior School Office.
Welcome to new students
We would like to welcome three new students who will be joining the Junior School in semester 2 which starts Wednesday 16 June. Two students in year 8 and one in year 7. We know the students will be made to feel welcomed by their class and teachers.
Emma Holman
Director of Junior School