College matters 

Council meeting report

On 18 May 2021, the MGSC School Council met online. The decision to do so was based on the 2020 experience of using WebEx due to the Coronavirus outbreak. The Department of Education and Training (DET) did not permit meetings in person inclusive of the MGSC School Council.


As with all things “2020” we have amended our 2021 planning to continue to incorporate online meetings including Parent -Teacher-Student meetings. It was agreed that every second MGSC School Council meeting for 2021 would be online, therefore ensuring a flexible option for attendance. Given the lockdown situation that followed the May Council meeting it is great we have perfected online meetings.


Whilst I have been a member of staff at MGSC since 2008 I did not join College Council until nine years ago when I became Assistant Principal. In this capacity my role has been to support Council and provide information should it be sought. This year is different as I am an elected staff representative. This means I am able to support the motions tabled at the meeting and can contribute my vote. 


My observation of the May meeting is it was positively contributed to by all members present. The Council team is made up of interested and inquisitive community members all there to support and improve our College. 


Over nine years I have seen an improvement in input from Council members. Apart from reports being tabled there has been an improvement in collective knowledge and understanding of school operations under the leadership of Linda Brown (Principal) and our Business Manager, Ms Kelly Lloyd-Vanni. 


New members to the 2021 Council are encouraged to question, clarify and contribute their expertise in meetings. Conversation is positive, inclusive and forward-focussed. 


One topic under discussion at the May meeting was about parent-payment contributions. The 2020 change in DET policy in relation to parent payments has had a huge impact on the funding available to provide the extensive learning program at MGSC. At this meeting it was noted approximately 1 in 5 MGSC families had not yet contributed to their daughter’s education. This flow on effect will impact the curriculum program. 


It was acknowledged the COVID experience has had a lasting and ongoing impact on our families. This has not changed the school policy of supporting those families in genuine need. Payment plans are regularly put in place to reflect individual circumstances.


As a past student, parent of two graduates, and a staff member since 2008, I would like to reiterate the pride I feel as being part of this community. The leadership, staff and students at MGSC are the shining lights within our diverse and inclusive community.  I look forward to supporting our continued journey in providing excellent educational opportunities for our students, "where every girl from everywhere experiences success”.


Carol Duggan

Assistant Principal

Elected Council member 2021

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