Principal's message

Dear MGSC Community
The recent outbreak of COVID-19 in the community has meant that all of our staff and students worked remotely last week with the VCE students returning to onsite learning on Friday 4 June. Years 7 to 10 students are able to return to onsite learning on Friday 11 June.
I wish to commend our teachers for switching to remote learning so quickly and so proficiently. Teachers are extremely adaptable and at MGSC we take pride in continuing to interact with our students online in a dynamic fashion.
We made the decision to cancel the exams for students in years 9 to 12 as we felt that there would be uncertainty for our students if we simply delayed them. This decision means that our teachers and students can focus on finalising the coursework for semester 1.
I also wanted to let you know about a short clip that Headspace have developed that is worth watching. There are some practical strategies for promoting mental health and wellbeing during this time.
- Tips for Parents and Carers -
Monday is the Queens Birthday holiday and the following day (Tuesday 15 June) is student free day for Reporting and Assessment. There are no online lessons or onsite lessons for the students while teachers finalise their reports.
The second semester begins on Wednesday 16 June which is 10 days prior to the school holiday. We align our year 7 to year 10 timetable with the VCE schedule so the whole school changes over to their semester two subjects at the same time. This is when we welcome new students to the College as well.
Take care
Linda Brown
Images of my dog Luna enjoying an evening walk during the first week of lockdown.