Bianca Vescio


We have continued to strengthen our recount writing this week. Students have been working on writing from different perspectives. They were tasked with writing as though they were a ball on a roof, a crumpled piece of paper or a pencil on the classroom floor. Student’s loved using their characters ‘voice’ to add description and emotion to their recounts. 


We have moved onto subtraction this week! We have begun by building on the strategies we use to subtract quickly in our head. We created a chart writing down all the different strategies we might use to subtract in our head for our wall to look at if we need help and have been practising these skills with a few different games.


Students have begun the next part of their ‘age of exploration’ project by now researching the national day of their chosen explorer. This is important because it allows us to understand and acknowledge that different countries celebrate their country with different cultural traditions.

Religion (RE)

We have been learning about Pentecost this week in RE as this special day was last Sunday. Students have been learning about what happened on Pentecost and why this day is so important. We have also begun writing a recount imagining as though we were one of Jesus’ disciples who has lived through Pentecost.


We have Bluearth on Mondays every second week with the instructor. This week Teigan challenged the grade 3’s with a great teamwork game. Students were required to get their group of 5 or 6 from one side of the turf to another without touching the ground and only using 4 chairs. It was really tricky but students cheered each other on and we're very proud of their efforts!