Principal's Report

Principals Reflection 


In Ms Mowle’s absence, the following has been offered as a reflection on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus which has a special connection to our school as a Josephite school. 


Reflecting on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus – celebrating the love of Jesus.

Recently,  we have celebrated and reflected on the history of 200 years of Catholic Education in Australia.  As part of our celebrations and reflections as a school we looked back at the history of our school, its foundation and connection to the Sisters of St. Joseph who began our school.   


Last Friday, the 11th June, was the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus which  is an important day for St. Joseph’s school as it has a special connection to the religious women who began our school. 


Our school –St. Joseph’s is a ‘Josephite’ school, which was started by and formed in the tradition of the Sisters of St. Joseph, a congregation of religious women founded by St. Mary of the Cross (MacKillop) and Fr. Julian Tenison Woods.  The full title of the religious order is the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart. Both co-founders, Fr Julian Tenison Woods and Mother Mary MacKillop, prayed constantly to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We would say the Sacred Heart manifests to us the unconditional and compassionate love of God. 


When founding the congregation Mary MacKillop chose the Sacred Heart as an important part of the title for the Congregation. She believed that God's compassionate love, symbolised for her by the Sacred Heart, would become a reality for her Sisters and for the people with whom they shared their lives.


Today, the Sacred Heart symbolises the overflowing abundance of God's concern and care for everyone. The image of Christ with a heart of fire reflects the passionate involvement of God in our lives. 


The following are quotes from St. Mary of the Cross (MacKillop) on the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


“Another month has passed and now we are in that of the Sacred Heart—and may that loving Heart bring to one and all of you It’s own true spirit—It’s spirit of love, true charity and sweet humility. (2nd June, 1890)


“Remember now — goodbye FOREVER to all old sores — and for the future let us live and love in the charity of the Sacred Heart.”    (1890)


As people of the Sacred Heart we are called to live with generosity of heart. We proclaim that each person is of real concern and our actions flow from our belief in the compassion of the Sacred Heart. 


Over the last few weeks as a way of remembering the Sacred Heart of Jesus and showing his love and care for the poor, the SRC have been coordinating a special appeal for donations of canned food items for the local St. Vincent DePaul society to distribute to the poor and those in need.  Thank you to everyone who has been able to donate and give to this appeal already.  Donations can still be made.