Principal's Message 

From the Principal


Dear Parents and Carers,


After yet another round of home learning, it is once again great to have all students back on site again today. The children are to be commended and congratulated on the way they approached this last fortnight of home learning. They just seemed to get back into the routines and get on with the job. The teachers were very proud of them.

An enormous thanks to our parents who supported their children through this time. It is a real challenge, particularly when you are juggling home learning alongside your own work commitments. While we don't know what the future holds, let's hope that was the last period of home learning.

COVID Updates

Updated COVID restrictions have meant an updated School Operations Guide. For schools this will mean the following;

  • All staff, parents and visitors entering the school will be required to check in using the QR code located at each entrance to the school.
  • Due to physical distancing requirements, parents are asked not to enter the corridors or stay onsite for an extended period of time. Parents helpers are not permitted.
  • Face masks will need to be worn by all adults onsite, both indoors and outdoors. It is not compulsory for teachers, in the act of teaching, to wear a mask.
  • Children and staff will continue to be encouraged to wash their hands regularly through the day.
  • Parents are asked to refrain from congregating on or around the school grounds
  • The school disco has been postponed until further notice.

Unfortunately we had to postpone the Year 5/6 camp planned for next week in Gippsland. We are currently awaiting  confirmation of another date in late October.

Given the ever-changing nature of this current climate we are expecting that these guidelines will change late next week, following the next round of Government announcements.

Winter Planting

I am currently considering a plan to plant more shade trees and other plants around the school and oval. I would be interested to know if we have any parents who are horticulturalists, have connections to a nursery or plant wholesaler or who are keen gardeners. If you are interested in helping out I would be happy to hear from you.

Australian Maths Competition

Students in Years 3 to 6 are being invited to participate in this year's Australian Maths Competition. Next week a form will be sent home for anyone who would like to participate. 


Our heartfelt sympathy to the Paine family following the sudden loss of Allesandro's uncle (Rosanna's brother) last week. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

In this Fortnight's Edition

In this newsletter we have;

  • RE News:
  • Learning and Teaching in 3/4T and 3/4I
  • Italian Day News
  • Suzanne Neil, our Learning Diversity Leader, sharing information about our Learning Diversity and Intervention Programs

Enjoy the long weekend.

Take care everyone


Brendan Welsford
