Leadership Centre


Guided Inquiry

Curiosity, love of learning, teamwork and perseverance were the character strengths on display this week in the Leadership Centre. As part of our Guided Inquiry unit, we have been learning about natural. Disasters and the impact they can have on communities before, during and after the event. In small groups, students created a diorama of a natural disaster and then create a risk assessment on their natural disaster which was displayed as an info graphic. We found out that natural diseases can be a factor in many lives of people across the world. The aim of this task was for students to inform an audience on how to stay safe before, during and after the occurrence of a natural disaster. Our students are to be commended on their positive outlook on the task and as you can see by the photos below, they are very proud of their results.


In Maths, we continue to explore the measurement and geometry strand by investigating how shapes transform using the keys words reflect, translate and rotate. Students have created by graphs and Cartesian planes to display their knowledge of the transformation and enjoyed finding the coordinates of their shapes new position.


Why should I still have my birthday party? Ask your child about the persuasive piece they wrote during the week. Teachers were persuaded by the use of persuasive text features, rhetorical questions and statements, and persuasive language in these texts... we wonder if they were good enough though to persuade their parents!

Leadership Centre News

As the days become shorter and weather is colder, we know that students will be using their devices more during the week. It is important that families check in with their child about using their devices appropriately. Are they using age appropriate apps? Are they keeping to their allocated tech time? Have they set up their profile to private to ensure they are chatting with friends? We appreciate that this can be difficult for parents to track but it is so important to keep those lines of communication open about who they are chatting to and what they are viewing. Looking for further guidance on cybersafety? Check out cybersafetyproject.com.au 


This is a time of reflection as we acknowledge National Sorry day and then move into National Reconciliation week. During this week our students will participate in variety of activities which help us to recognise the importance of these events. We also celebrate Education week and we look forward to welcoming families to our learning centre, celebrating the success of the year so far. 

Student Voice- 

What does National Sorry day mean to you?


'Saying sorry to the First Nations people because of the stolen generation.'- Adi


'It means saying sorry to the First Nations people for stealing their children and trying teach them white peoples way.'- Cadie


  • District Cross Country this Tuesday May 25th at Ruffey Park Lake
  • Grip Leadership day this Tuesday May 25th
  • Education Week: Grandparents day, Art Show and Open Night Thursday 27th May
  • Whitehorse Division Cross Country day: Monday 31st June at Ruffey Park Lake. Selected students from District Cross Country day to partcipate
  • 5/6 Winter Gala Day: Tuesday June 8th
  • 5/6 Camp Coonawarra: Tuesday June 15th-Friday June 18th

Pupil of the Week

5/6B: Neve L -

Well done Neve on designing and creating a detailed, engaging and story-telling diorama on an earthquake. You used a wide array of materials and your curiosity to assist in the construction of your diorama. Congratulations.


5/6C: Emma H -

For going above and beyond in your Science 'Natural Disaster' project. You worked collaboratively with your group and were able to present factual information to the Junior School about Whirlpools- they loved their hand made badges too. Amazing effort Emma!  


5/6SB: Lucas S -

For displaying perseverance and love of learning during Maths this Semester. It has been great to see you working on your Maths goal and challenge yourself, especially in Measurement and Geometry. Keep up the great work Lucas!


5/6W: Tia B -

For using a range of strategies to ensure your group worked collaboratively when creating your diorama of a flood. You listened to all voices and offered great advice! Great work, Tia!