Junior School Student Reflections

Year 9 Reflections
Clubs and Activities
I was never really into the idea of joining clubs at school, however Badminton club has been fantastic. It involves strategic thinking, socializing, releasing stress and a total body workout! The environment is infused with positivity incorporated with a competitive and willing attitude. I always look forward to Fridays on Week A because I know I am going to have a blast hanging out with my friends and playing badminton. (by Luvleen Chand, 9I)
Athletics Day
Year 9 students enjoyed the Athletics Carnival thoroughly with a positive attitude and strong participation in many of the sport events and activities. The key thing we all learnt was that we should give things a good go and even though we sometimes don't win, participating is still enjoyable. (by Niharika Singh, 9I)
Reach Incursion
Our collaborative REACH sessions occurred in May this term, centering around confidence, diversity and respect. It was interesting to see my peers open up and engage with sensitive topics. This resulted in a change of our perceptions; to be more considerate and equal to our fellow classmates. Thank you very much Box Hill High School for hosting the program REACH! (by Kaitlyn Jacob, 9E)
Geography Belgrave Excursion
On the 26th and 27th of May Geography classes attended the Belgrave excursion, as a topic to investigate the tourism. I believe the most interesting part of the trip was being able to explore the Belgrave shopping strip for an hour, as it allowed for independence. Even though the weather was wet and wild, it was a fun day and very informative. (by Luca Shi, 9E)
This term Year 9 students participated in NAPLAN, our final one EVER! The tests were challenging and went over three days. Many thanks to the teachers, Fiona and Ms Ind for their organisation. (by Adam Chidgey, 9D)
Year 8 Reflections
As the buses rolled into the Summit in Trafalgar, we all knew instantly that this camp was going to be extremely different and challenging.
On the first day of camp, we learnt the five values that the Summit holds which were:
• Have fun
• Play all in
• Make mistakes
• Have a growth mindset
• Do not go home wondering ‘what if’.
The camp staff ran gratitude sessions in the mornings to set goals and reflect upon all our achievements throughout our activities.
We participated in multiple activities that allowed us to conquer our fears, go out of our comfort zone and have fun. The most thrilling activity of all was the monster course/mud run. On the cold Thursday afternoon, one by one, each group started the course with great anticipation. The main aim was to work as a team by holding a tyre the entire time, swimming in chilly water, going into mud pits and participating in little games. Even though we were battered from the beginning, it was worth it, as it will always be remembered by everyone in year 8. We thank all the teachers who came to camp as well as the camp staff for everything they did to make this a wonderful experience. (by Aashi and Ayanna Singh)
Year 7 Reflections
When I heard news of a Debating Club in school, I instantly decided that I wanted to do it. I have always been passionate about such things - where you are given a topic, create a speech and present it to an audience.
We have been participating in meetings where we discuss our topic and then we write our speeches. I love Debating not only because of the opportunities I receive, but also the new friends I have made. They are intelligent, engaging and are special to me. I will always remember them as my ‘Debating team in Year 7’. This term our team won our first and second debates, well done to all! (by Aarav Akhouri, 7E)
We took our NAPLAN test in Term – 2, which went for 3 consecutive days. All the students worked hard and got through the tests with confidence. On 7th May, the Athletics Carnival was held. It was a golden opportunity to catch up with my friends, meet new fellow students and build new friendships. A lot of students participated in the events and encouraged each other.
This term we experienced lockdown again - there were a lot of challenges we had to face, but I am thankful to have kept learning remotely, whilst also keeping in touch regularly with my friends. (by Tanishi Sharma, 7D)