James Taylor
James Taylor
Students across the visual arts have once again produced amazing things even while going back and forth between learning at school and online learning at home. A sample of our students work can be seen in the gallery below on this page.
To see these works and more in the "real", make sure you visit the exhibition of Art and Visual Communication Design (VCD) work as part of Arts Week 2021, which will be on display in the hall from Tuesday to Friday in Week 1 of Term 3. Covid restrictions permitting, we are hoping to open the exhibition up to parents and carers on Thursday 15th July until 5pm. More details to follow in Term 3.
We were unable to run Arts Week last year, but we had an amazing response to our 2019 event, so in Week 1 of Term 3, we will once again showcase a selection of the wonderful creative expressions that happen every day here at Box Hill HS. This will include musical performances, media screenings, drama workshops and our aforementioned visual arts exhibition, sneak peak below.
Don’t miss out!