Junior School News

Year 8 day
On Wednesday 3 May, we held a special Year 8 day to have some fun together at the start of term 2.
In the morning, Kingston Youth Services organised some games including who could build the tallest tower out of spaghetti, tape and marshmallows, followed by bubble soccer, trivia and a BBQ! Ms Molina, Abi and Ruby (Junior School Captains) then hosted the Year 8 Talent Show. There were a variety of acts including dancers, piano playing and an aerobics performance! Everybody was amazing and it was super close, but in the first place was … Bella Cooper 8E performing a lyrical solo “You Will Be Found”. We ended the day singing karaoke in our House Groups. It was so much fun.
Big thanks to Ms Colmanet, Mr Hull and Ms Molina for organising this amazing day!
Ruby Sumpter