
GRIP student leadership conference
The GRIP student leader conference (held on the 29 March) was designed to help students from all across Victoria learn some of the valuable skills required for a leadership role. Various student leaders from many of our school teams attended, had fun and learnt skills to take back to our school. We met leaders from other schools, participated in fun workshops, designed to teach us skills (such as effectively listening to others), shown how to set up successful leadership events, and were presented with inspiration from past student run fundraisers and activities. In our regular team meetings, student who attended the conference in term 1 will be sharing what they learned with the rest of the teams. The day was a great experience and extremely helpful for our student leaders.
Wendy Harvey
Director of Student Leadership
Anzac Day Service at Beaumaris RSL
On Sunday 23 April Katerina Zouzoulas (Year 9) and I represented MGSC, being invited to lay a special wreath at the Beaumaris RSL Memorial Community Centre. This event was not only about commemorating all the soldiers that fought in the war but helps us recognise and appreciate how much they did for Australia by protecting the freedoms that we have today.
The ceremony began with the March which many in the community and students from various local schools and community groups participated in. The formal service included music and the playing of The Last Post, several reading and songs.
We both enjoyed being part of this important event and being able to represent our school in this way. Students from MGSC attend both the Anzac Day and Remembrance Day services each year.
Alexis Sacris Year 9