PFA News
Parents and Friends' Association
PFA News
Parents and Friends' Association
It was great to see so many faces at the Information Evening on Monday night. The PFA served tea and coffee to those that attended. Along with some delicious meringue treats made by some of our students.It was fabulous to chat to possible future parents of the school.
The Second-hand Uniform shop is opening up during the lunchtime on Friday 12 May. This is a good opportunity for those that can’t make it on Tuesday afternoons or Friday mornings to buy their winter uniform. Students and parents are welcome to come in. We have plenty of skirts and blouses available.
If anyone has any slacks or tracksuit pants they wish to donate or sell through the shop, please drop them into the uniform shop or at the office by Tuesday 9 May.
Our uniform shop is an integral part of the PFA. Unfortunately to keep the shop running, volunteers are vital. We are not asking for a weekly commitment -although that would be awesome! However, the current regular volunteers need some help.
Email with your interest and availability.
The current shop hours are
Tuesday Afternoons 2:45 - 3:45 pm
Friday Mornings 8:15 - 9:15 am
Meeting are held on Tuesdays at 7pm in the Main Staff Room. All are welcome. There has been an amendment to the schedule. Upcoming dates are:
9 May
13 June
8 August
3 October
Sharon Wright